Should I return gtx 760 and get the gtx 960?

I just bought and installed a asus gtx 760 a few days ago not realizing the gtx 960 was coming out for the same price. Should i return it and get the gtx 960? I will be playing minecraft and recording for the most part, but I don't know if my gtx 760 will run minecraft better than the gtx 960. Some specs such as the new maxwell based chipset and higher clock speeds are appealing, but the gtx 760 has a wider memory bus and higer memory bandwith, but do those things really impact gameplay that much? Answers would be much appreciated.

Really the performance going from the 760 to 960 is a small gap. Really your saving power and gaining a tiny bit of performance. Nothing huge really. For me I'd just keep it and not deal with the hassle. 

I think the 760 is actually better than the 960. The core and memory clock may be slower on the 760, but the 760's memory bus is wider, has significantly higher memory bandwidth, has more CUDA cores, and a higher texture fill rate.

Please don't post another thread about the same topic. 

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