Should I leave the AC adaptor plug in after 100%?

Just like the topic. Should I keep it plug in after the laptop or phone are fully charged ? 

I was told that the newer battery will just shut itself after its fully charged. and use power directly from the AC adaptor. 

What are some tips to slow battery degradation ? 


Thanks everyone !

I've heard that modern batteries don't degrade as bad as they used to when they're always plugged in too. Not sure exactly how bad it is or if it does anything at all. My opinion is that you should do whatever is most convenient for you, at the end of the day a laptop battery costs like $30 and if you have to replace it in a couple of years then so what?

What I did with my old laptops was once a month let the battery drain completely, just doing that I never notice a difference with the battery time, even after 2 years when I giveaway one and sold the other.  (I am sure there was a difference from when they were brand new, but it was hardly noticeable )

Leaving it plugged in after it's full wont hurt anything as the battery will stop charging when full. If you want to keep the battery in good shape always wait till its dead before charging it. And if you have to plug in the laptop remove the battery if it's no dead. 

I wouldn't worry about keeping it plugged in all the time, Lithium-Ion batteries like to be excercised and go up and down from charging they are much more flexible compared to the older nickle batteries used. Once the battery is fully-charged they stop accepting power from the A-C chord as they deny the energy provided, thats why sometimes when you unplug your battery from the wall they go down to 99% or 97%.  Some people like to also say always cycle your battery its not completly necessary but can help to do once in a while.  

Heres a link to the apple adivce they provided regarding care for notebook lithium batteries: