Should I just say #$^% it and tell my family to buy macbook airs?

By family I mean parents and grandparents.  They've had some trouble with windows and maleware recently, and their computers are all on their way out from age alone anyway.  Heck even I only use windows for gaming and some programming when it happens to be booted anyway, for everything else I use linux but linux isn't quite as easy as windows and well they are all old and don't exactly want to learn to linux.  I'm well aware that both mac and linux have maleware too but its fewer and farther between and the OSes themselves are more secure than windows(*nix based ftw), and mac is easier to use than linux or windows. I've heard its also harder for them/people to break it, ie delete something they shouldn't.


Never really thought I'd be asking this question, since I really hate apple, but I love my family and want them to have something that just works that we wont really have to worry much about more than I hate apple.




Do they have the budget for Apple stuff? If so, for the techno-illiterate it's not a bad way to go. It's just such a price premium. However, I do think it is more or less enabling poor internet use and not fixing the core issue. If your family is responding to phishing or other email related scams; or simply clicking on every popup ad or offer they see, they're going to end up with issues no matter what OS they're using. IMO, it's better to try and teach them some better browsing habits. Also, it does seem like when a Mac is compromised, fixing the issue is a bit more challenging than on Windows. Though that could just because I'm not very familiar with the Mac OS as I am with Windows. As far as ultrabooks go though, it is really hard to beat a MacBook Air.


The *nix OS's generally were less prone to viruses/malware because of security by obscurity; not enough people were using it to justify writing malicious software for it. Nowadays, if I were a sketchball who wrote that kind of stuff, I'd target Apple products because the people who generally use them have bigger bank accounts and the persisting assumption that 'Macs don't get viruses.'

Just get them chromebooks cheap easy to use and secure

Yeah they do have the budget for it, I did try to teach they how they messed up, and they are doing better, but I kinda want to take every pro-caution I reasonably can.  

Those are still a thing? I was not aware, I may look in to that.   But I do like apple's larger install based making it easier to get help with problems if they arise. Plus if worse comes to worse microcenter usually does well with fixing macs. Totally gonna look in to chrome books though, if the printer is easy enough to set up. 

What are their needs?  Just general browsing and a bit of word document stuff? If so then linux/ ubuntu might be a good option as its easy to navigate and relatively maintance free when setup. No pesky updates all the time. And you dont need a shiny new computer to run the operating system. 

For word document just use Libre Office its free and often just as good as Microsofts version. 

Maybe give them some tips about staying safe online as well, give them an adblocker etc

I don't think Mac is easier to use than Ubuntu... Maybe try showing them Ubuntu and you might solve your problem without spending any extra money.

Yeah that was my point, hopefully they can save money and get an older or budget Pc and run linux on there and have less problems than they do now. Be much cheaper than a mac

I also find that people who cant use windows very well will have problems with mostly other operating systems unless they just use mobile devices.  Thats why linux is great, no maintenance needed

Keeping them on Windows will be the most simple thing you can do. I recommend having them buy Emsisoft Internet Security, it should protect against most threats. Other than that run chrome or firefox with adblock plus and WOT. 

Yeah.. Apart from my brothers, I am the only computer literate (frankly more of a power user) person in my family, but except for my eldest brother, who's got macbook pro, all of us use Ubuntu on daily basis. Even my mother, who finds it difficult to open shut down her Windows at hospital (she's a doctor), finds it easy to use hangouts, do internet banking, view cloud-stored family photos, use wi-fi printer, etc. on their Ubuntu desktop. 10 minutes setting up, 20 minutes explaining how to use it and you save hours of troubleshooting less solid OS.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing Tylnesh

I think the future of computing will probably be linux based, especially the way Microsoft is going about things.

If you think windows is too complicated for them then I vote for chromebook, i used to look down on them until I actually used one.

If you are going to end up as the support person for your family then go with whatever is easier for you to support.

I vote sticking with windows though..

create disk images of each family members pc's and as long as they arent hit by the REALLY nasty stuff (e.g those horrid ones that put a password on the bios or the firmware malwares) then you should be up and running again with the minimum amount of fuss.

Might seem like overkill to you but it works like a charm for me, i have 9 images on an external drive ready for when any of my immediate family / friends pc's go down.

If all they do is email, light browsing, a $200 Chromebook would be fine for them.

I have both Apple and Microsoft OS computers and love them both really. I feel Apple is a little easier for the non tech type. Photos, music, web surfing, It's all a little less of a hassle and easier to me and the older, non techie generation. Might want to check out the chromebook suggested by Lessershoe thou. Go with whatever is easiest for them and will cause the least amount of problems I say. I have a eleven year old macbook white and it runs like a top. Os is outdated as is all the software but the HDD and everything else works great so it's a storage device now for music and what ever. Each OS has it's pros and cons. Pick whatever is easiest and straightforward for them I would say cause you can't be there for them all the time when problems arise so maybe go with what causes the least amount of headaches.

seeing how someone else mentioned chrome devices i'll +1 on it

another option would be a android device such as a tablet or hybrid *laptop with a keyboard slider*

just gotta make sure its a big screen with viewable fonts as you're looking for something for older folks

i'd stay far away from a mac as everything is too locked if they've gotta get used to the interface

anything is vulnerable to malware and viruses so whatever road you go down make sure you setup something automatic as they may not know about the risks

Put openSUSE on them.

Linux Mint Cinnamon is easier than Windows for basic stuff like internet, email, installing packages, etc.

Don't go Apple.

But the macs look so pretty


Another option to consider, I haven't looked into it at all, but asus made this android all in one computer, I can't remember what it was, but it was a desktop touchscreen. Anyway, if anyone knows what this is let me know, but for basic stuff android is pretty easy, at least in comparison to windows.

On a plus side, with android on desktop all the buttons are huge, so poor eyesight isn't an issue


If they already know how to use windows i would think a linux distro with a windows like ui would suit them well. Like zorin or a like distro.

How computer literate are your grandparents?

I'd go for Apple unless they are geeks. When you're old, the last thing you want to do is learn Linux. Better they just get things done and spend time off-line with family and other interests.