Hey Logan I'm wondering if I should go sli/crossfire or if I should just buy a higher tier gpu. I'm planning to buy 2 gtx 770s in sli but should I just get a 780ti and maybe overclock it?
2 770s will outperform a 780Ti at 1080p, but will be very hot and very power hungry. If you're wanting to game at resolutions higher than 1080p you will want the 780Ti because it has more RAM. There will also be people that will warn you about things like micro stutter and frame time lag on multi-gpu setups, but I've never experienced it.
I recently switched from dual 660s to a 780Ti and I'm glad I did. My overall system temps dropped a fair bit and I picked up a great deal of performance on my 1440p monitor.
the only time you should see yourself going crossfire or SLI is if you are going multi-monitor gaming or high resolution gaming like 1440p and above because SLI and crossfire scale well at high resolutions. overall just stick with the 780ti cause you'll run to less issues in 1080p gaming and its capable of gaming at 1440p very well. no screen-tearing, and no compatability issues. some games with SLI are bad or just don't work properly, likewise with crossfire.
of course for those games where it actually hurts performance, with sli at least, you can set it to single card render for that game only.
Very True!