Should i get the 970 or 980

With the new cards out i will be upgrading 2x GTX 550 Ti's just arent cutting it

wanting over 60 fps in 1440 in bf4, hd mod skyrim and a lot of headroom for tackling future games

is the 970 killer enough or is the 980 really worth the extra 200+$ i dont want to spend almost twice as much for an extra 25% performance

The 980 is far from a 25% improvement in performance. More like 10%, if you're lucky. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone at the current price. 970 all day.

970 no brainer.

970 +1, absolutely epic card, slight oc will = 980 performance if need be. spend the saved 200 on a new ssd if you havent got one already.

I know I'm not helping any but I've been torn on which to purchase also. I've been reading every post/review/blog/article I can find trying to find that very answer. One review I read that was helpful with BF4 was:

OC 970 FPS @ 1080p was 87.5

OC 980 FPS @ 1080p was 98.3

OC 970 FPS @ 1440p was 58

OC 980 FPS @ 1440p was 65.5

Basically it looks like so far that there is a 7-11 FPS different between the 970 and 980. But that is of course dependent on the cards OC. Thinking out loud here, because I need to write down the obvious, the 970 OC is close if not equal to the 980 stock. Just have to wait and see what differences will come with driver updates. I'm also curious if the power balancing feature of the 980 will make any difference...

10-20 fps for an extra $150+? It doesn't seem worth it to me. That's barely an fps jump. 

I'd get the 970, go for 980ti (or whatever equivalent in the future)  if you want real performance gap.

the 970 gtx that you select, make sure it has more than just a single 8-pin power plug, get one that has 8pin+6pin for maximum OC potential. 

Get a 970 and eventually do SLI. The 70s series is perfect for SLI

yeah got the 970 in mail couple days ago, great decision and fantastic card got the msi twin frozer v, highly reccomend