Should I get Skyrim?

I've been a member of Tek Syndicate for at least a year now, although I have not till recently had the money to buy/build a computer till now. I'm looking for a good single player game that I will be able to play for a long time. I know Skyrim is an AMAZING game, but I also don't want to spend $30 out of my tight game budget just to find out the next Elder Scrolls game comes out in a month. So does anybody know how soon the next game in the series is coming out? Or maybe if I should buy it anyways? Thanks.

The next game in the series wont be out for several years.  Buy it.  I've put over 150 hours into it and still haven't finished it.  Lots of fun and replay value.

Keep your eyes on the Steam sales. I picked up the Legendary edition at Christmas for 20 bucks and am 130 hours in and still have lots to do. 

I got the base game for only $7.50, so it might be worth waiting for a sale. But, yeah, it's worth it.

I'm close to 400 hours in it and on my third character. 275 hours of that was probably on my second character and another 50 or so on the first. The actual things you do in the game can be repetitive, but I enjoy some of the plot lines and I like figuring out the best way to tackle dungeons and experimenting with different ways to do things. I just went legendary with pickpocketing on my third character, and it's only level 45.

The next single player Elder Scrolls game won't be out for a while. If you look at Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim's release dates, you'll notice there's a span of at least 4-5 years between each game. An online variant of the Elder Scrolls series is set to be released next month (the end of this month for those that pre-order the game and get 5 days early access).

I definitely recommend grabbing Skyrim. However, I'd suggest that you wait for a good sale. Sales are popping up everywhere for PC games. I just picked of Borderlands 2 GoTY for $16 at Gamefly. The sheer amount of mods available for Skyrim makes it completely worth it, even with a $30 price tag.

Yeah, get it. Hours of fun and you can mod it. Wait for the next steam sale that I'm guessing will be at the end of March/beginning of April

If Skyrim was named Edgar, Elder Scrolls Online would be a roach wearing an Edgar suit. I'm still not sure if I will buy it or wait til it gets cheaper or goes free to play

Yeah, if it wasn't for my friend buying TESO, I would have waited for a better deal as well. I did end up pre-ordering it while it was on sale for $48 though.

Thanks, I appreciate it! I'll definitely wait for the next sale and get it then.