I was thinking it might be the number 1 game to get while waiting for Delayed Citizen. But i’m just so irritated by the fact that so many things aren’t in the game yet. And it “released” in 2014?! HOLY SHIT. No actually BEING your character. You’re just stuck in your ship. WTF? It doesn’t have to be as crazy as what Star Citizen wants. But at least if we could take our ships from point A to B and then explore it on foot?
Elite: Dangerous players, please help. Is the game just spaceship combat? I’m having a hard time understanding exactly what the game offers. Even when watching gameplay videos.
Mhm. It’s more exploration and trading focuses tbh. In the end though it is really up to you. You have a great deal of freedom in what you can do and there isn’t really an end or set paths. So if you’re into that then you’d prob like it.
Also looks quite pretty too.
Also @OP no matter how many features it is still missing Elite is more complete than Star Citizen is right now or prob ever will be… Lol
What i really, really want is a game with spaceships. The freedom to actually GO places with your spaceship. And be your character. With a nice character customization system. Full body creation systems are honestly what every character creator should have. Sculpting every part of the body.
Personally, i hate the fact that you just change genders on the fly. WTF? Simple. 2 character slots. Make a female. Make a male. Done. Making a character is making a character. It’s set in stone. Recustomizing your appearance is one thing. But changing your character’s gender? Really?
According to the director, the Space Legs update is a long way off. But… at least the game is “out”. So it’s just a matter of waiting. It boggles my mind every time i’m reminded that the Star Citizen we’re all waiting for is A-L-P-H-A 3.0. Not BETA. ALPHA.
Jesus Fuck. Now they showed off a facial tracking feature that 1% (or less) of the players will use. Time well spent, guys. And sorry if i sound like i may be derailing the thread. But people just don’t know how incredibly frustrated i am. I’ve played EVE for 8 years and finally questioned why the fuck i wasted so much time on that garbage excuse for a game. Star Citizen is announced. It’s very, very difficult to NOT see the appeal in something so logical. Who wouldn’t get excited for it? Taking open worlds mechanics and adding in so much depth to a space/sci-fi game. And of course nothing is simple. Nothing can be simple. It’s impossible. Developers can’t just make a game. They have to have some level of retardation which impedes their progress. I can’t wait for them to announce the Cafeteria System. Over 150 meal options to choose from which are highly detailed and utilize the Item 2.0 system. You can order a burger and pick apart the bun, take out the lettuce if you don’t like it. The demo was mind-blowing.
I swear. Blood shoots out of my fucking ass every time they do this. I’m slowly but surely going insane.
E:D is on sale. The Commander Deluxe Edition is $53 instead of $79.99.
I wasn’t too impressed with E:D. SC is really breaking new ground. In terms of what you are looking for, I think you need to just settle for something that’s very fun, based in space. You’ll need to compromise a bit on your lofty (or lack for a better term) expectations.
FTL may be a good fit for you if you like difficulty in space and making decisions on how to handle a situation coupled with a bit of RNG.
Another recommendation, if you can deal with older games being old, is Star Trek: Bridge Commander. That game is great! No idea where you would find a hard copy since I don’t think it’s on digital distribution yet. The internet is a big place so I’m sure you can track down a copy…or image
Lastly, a totally random recommendation that has nothing to do with space: No One Lives Forever 1 and 2
There’s plenty to do in ED and with Horizons will cost $30-40 from a code site or discounted. It’s fully playable now which can not be said of SC yet and what’s the base entry price for it now
I’m excited to see what SC does in the future but for a something to play now then ED is not a bad deal.
I really like ED. It is open world, and allows you the freedom to be a pirate, bounty hunter, transport pilot, explorer, smuggler. You can also influence the balance of power in systems by quests and actions you take. These examples are just scratching the surface. The game is also regularly updated. This game is also in full release, with new features being added.
Do not expect to get a game. It is a universe simulator.
I was an orgianl C64 Elite player and got E:D on day one. I found it nearly impossible to play using mouse and keyboard. It wasn’t until I spent 2 days remapping 97 commands to my Xbox controller that I started to have fun.
By fun I mean, being stuck 100 light years from the ass end of the universe with not enough money or a ship good enough to get anywhere interesting. I am slowly doing trades to travel to Earth. 2 years I have invested in this task and I have only seen other players once. It was very cool. A pirate chased me and I found a space parking lot with lots of cool ships. They took care of the pirate for me and I took a slow look at some awesome ships.
Overall a relatively good game that’s somewhat limited by the thing it was trying to achieve - it’s size!
Although it’s huge with massive amounts of freedom, without a goal for what you want to do (and the patience) it’s more of a space truckin’ simulator with lasers occasionally.
I still played it for 62 hours without the expansion (which adds a bit of variety with the ability to land on planets and moon-buggy around) and had a good time though.
TL,DR; it’s pretty good, get it on special with the expansion preferably.
PS I’d highly recommend a flight stick/yoke if you end up getting it!
This game is perfect for my Saitek X52 Pro. The excitement was great at first and it got stale real quick. As many othes have already said, this game is huge and mostly empty, like space.
I’ve played it alone so far, I bet playing with someone or a group would be nicer… perhaps.
Why hasn’t anyone recommended Eve Online to you? Everything you’ve asked for in a game is in Eve. Be careful though, years of my and other friends’ lives disappeared into Eve.