Should I Do it?

This may be the Smartest / Dumbest Decision ever but I recently Upgraded from a GTX 770 Classified and Now I'm considering selling my GTX 770 grabbing an R9-290.

in all honesty i'm in between satisfied and dissatisfied with my 770s performance and i made a recent thread where i stated reasons why i might consider AMD much more in the future than Nvidia

here's the thread.

Now My Question is SHOULD I DO IT? I have the money for it...

Well, I will have the money if i sell the 770.

If you're not happy, make the upgrade. It's your money and nobody can tell you what to do. I think the 770 is a fabulous card for 1080p, and it can be used above 1080p. Very few circumstances that probably warrant the upgrade, but being happy is important.

I made so many changes to my PC that I did not need to make! I changed components to better suit my colour scheme



Not lying.

i actually wanted to grab an R9-290 in the very beginning when i first built my PC but i made the Dumb decision to go crossfire R9-270x's. that didn't work out cause the headaches i received were too DAMN High. then I bought the 770 but that was when the R9-290s and the R9-290xs were being Priced Gouged to hell.

If the performance is insufficient for you.

I personally wouldn't. But well, I have HD 7850 and I'm not planning to upgrade anytime soon.

i would personaly do it, a R9-290 is basicly a very nice card to grab. it performs better then a GTX780, in most gaming benchmarks that ive saw, and it even performs allmost equaly to a 290X. and that for a good price. ☺

i've noticed lol i the difference between the 290 and the 290x is about a 2% fps which is mind boggling. o.o


It sometimes beats the R9 290X in some games too.  The R9 290 is a much better deal than the 290x.


I'd say go for it.  The 290 is a bit better, and should handle higher than 1080p better as well (more memory, higher bandwidth bus).  Plus I'm an AMD fan, so whenever I see people on the fence I try to push them towards it.  And like phantom said, its YOUR rig, so you can decide to get what you want and what you like!!  So do it!  I'd look at the new sapphire vapor-x version, looks sick.

Phantom hasn't posted in this thread lol

Phantom? Whose Phantom?

He isn't here! He didn't say that!


 For me, playing at 1080p with a GTX770 is just fine. I would say keep your money for the next generation GPU's (and wait for Nvidia's AND AMD's next generation GPU and compare the prices.) . R9 290 is a great card and it won't be a bad decision, but i believe it doesn't worth it.

You mis-understand my post, if i sell the GTX 770 Classified i will have the money to grab the R9-290. i won't really have to spend any extra money maybe 10 to 20 bucks. i've seen some R9-290s that are in the $360 to $400 range which is an excellent steal and upgrade coming from a GTX 770 classified which i'm in-between satisfied and dissatisfied with right now. also my reasons for getting rid of it and sticking with AMD in the future is in that thread that is linked on my post.

"Just Do It"


Yeah do it. But am like AMD so I am bias. If you are not happy, you are not happy. I am going to be replacing perfectly working parts of my PC as well soon just because I am not happy.

Sure I did. That was totally me. Who are you?

Get out of here, Marxist.

I mean, I would just hold out for another...6-8 months and buy a real next-gen GPU. The 770 is by no means a slouch... and the R9 290 isn't going to be a huge increase

It seems like a waste of time to me. But its your time.

I really don't care for Nvidia GPU's anymore and my reasons why are in the thread of my post. call me an AMD Fanboy or whatever its just i feel like i have almost not enough control with my Nvidia GPU. i tell it to do one thing and it does another. I'm not really losing much. selling the card will give me the money to grab the R9-290 without having to spend almost no money at all.

It depends if you can wait. I certainly think it is worth waiting for the next line of GPUs, but they won't be seen until (likely) Q1 2015. Additionally, you would have to sell your 770 for less money.