So my older brother's friend is selling a used Asus r9 270 2gb vram (non x) for $40. I asked him if he overclocked the card and if he did any mining on the card. He said no oc and only mined for a couple of days.
Was thinking of upgrading from my HIS 7850 1Gb vram to that asus card because of how cheap it is.
I know I can crossfire but I know the 7850 is lower the asus card by a bit. I looked at the benchmarks on the r9 270 which I can oc to the 270x marks if I wanted to and its about 15% faster than my 7850. If anyone can find crossfire benchmarks that would be great?
I game on 1 1080p Monitor with one 19 in monitor for general stuff.
1) Should I crossfire or stick to one card?
2) Sell my 7850 so I can get money
3) replace the 550ti in my family pc(i3, 4gb ram, 500w psu) to the 7850
From experience a 7850 Crossfired with an R9-270 or Vice Versa is a tiny bit overkill for 1080p The only time I've seen a Setup like that get destroyed was my Heavily Modded Skyrim Setup or Just loading up Crysis 3. But then again Loading up ENBs in Skyrim with a Crossfire Setup is Almost Broken unless you disable Depth of Field in that game.
To be Honest though 40 Dollars for an R9-270 I'd go for it. cause honestly you'll never find a Deal for that card like that EVER. and maybe down the line grab a Widescreen 2560x1080p monitor Crossfired R9-270s/7850s will handle that fairly well.
Thanks for the replies Everyone. I will try out crossfire when I get the card and see if its worth the crossfiring. I never crossfired before so this will a great experiment with my system. If I dont like it I can always either sell the 550ti or 7850 to get money into other things(new ssd would be nice on my system).