So recently i found a radeon 7970 used for $310. Im skeptical on buying it for obvious reasons. The seller says it's like new but I'm still worried. Should I go for it or should i buy a brand new radeon 7950 for 300?Thanks.
check the card out and check the sku and see if that sku relrsed had problem
It depends where you are buying it, can you check the seller out, such as prevoius transactions,and if there have been any issuse with other customers who have bought from them. This is just my oppinion, but I preffer to buy PC parts brand new, not second hand. If you buy it new then you know where you stand with the warrenty, I don't know if the warrenty is still valid after being resold, I would not think it would. I would save up a little more and get a NEW 7970. When i buy something used, i ask myself, why are they selling such a card, for that price, "like new". Just my opinion, hope it helped. :)
HD 7970 NEW! $330 (after $20 rebate)
i suppose its overpriced for a used card. i wouldn´t pay 310 dollars for it. but if the seller can be trusted, if they used it in a demo system for example, then its not a bad deal to pay 300 for it. but only if its in a normal store, and they used it in a demo system. otherwise i wouldnt trust it.
Imo never buy a used card unless you can watch a demo video that has the guy you were talking to in it. Some 7970's could be had for like $350.