Hey guys, i have some extra cash on my steam wallet and i was wondering which one to buy and i would like your guys opinion on what to buy.
I can not personally comment on Rust as I have not played it. My roommate has and what he has told me is that if you aren't playing with a group of friends it is not very enjoyable. With a group of 4 or more he says that it is very fun.
I have The Forest and from what I have played, about 3 hours, I like what I see so far. It is still in alpha so some bugs and strange things happen on occasion. The game is terrifying and very difficult. I am not sure if the finished product is expected to be as difficult or have difficulty options, but currently it is hard. Still very fun, although I have not been able to play in the dark as, like I said before, the game is terrifying.
oh ok thanks man so poop my pats scary with bugs or not fun without friends though decision!!!!!!
The Forest is worth the money I got a good 12 hours of fun for 12 bucks thats like 2 beers where i live sometimes one if its from belguim lol. it is alpha v1 so dont expect much for right now and its singleplayer
I wouldn't buy neither. If you can, stick to released games.
I bought Rust a while ago (January I think) and unless you opt-in for the most bleeding edge experimental dev build, the game seems to have stalled a bit. It has potential, heck Garry will pull it off, but in the meantime it kinda gets boring after a while.
Bought StarBound too, same thing: fun for a while but in a couple of hours you've seen everything. Better avoid Early Access titles unless you plan to leave them in your library until a future release
If you're into survival horror and have some spare money, I couldn't recommend more System Shock 2 (if you can stand the aged graphics. There are mods to enhance it a bit more).
Otherwise if you REALLY want an early access game, check out The Stomping Land too. Seems interesting: Dayz but with dinosaurs.
I have played Rust and watched people play The Forest.
I would say get The Forest. Rust is quite fun but it's kinda mehh. Something about it wasn't that great. Certainly not worth £20 or whatever it was.
I regret purchasing Rust. Its not fun. The Forest, on the other hand, is really enjoyable.
have fun
I love that forest video. Was hilarious.
Please don't buy Early Access games, why spend your hard earned cash on an unfinished game, ridden with bugs, when you can spend it on a complete game.
Have Rust, & dont like it at all. Im not in any group etc so thats 90% of the problem. Plus imho the graphics are just too 2004. The Forest seems fun..... and shit ya pants scary.
i would say if you have at least one or two friends getting rust get it. iv played 200 hrs and loved it (only playing with friends) or if u dont find some friendly people but you have to find a good server to play on though.
rust just changed engine said my friends so it will have beter grpahics.they update it all the time and gets kwl i love it but it deponds on you
the forest u could probley torrent it and see what its like and then buy it when it gets better or i heard it might have co-op.
i would get rust and buy forest when the story is finished or more complete or try it out and torrent it .
What's everyone opinion on this now, in the year 2017 lol
The forest
I've never played Rust, but The Forest is pretty great. Now they finished the story and improved a lot of the game mechanics. I'm looking forward to them doing the final touches and releasing it.
I plan to buy The Forest maybe later in the week so I may be able to play with you guys at some point. I play naked and oiled up, I hope that is ok with everyone, you gotta get the true forest feel like how it is in the movies (such as Cannibal Holocaust...)
The forest. Hands down, so much fun, visuals are amazing, multiplayer is fun, and it's still being updated with more weapons, environment, etc. You won't be disappointed.
Wait, they finished the story? I thought there was no"ending" because of the developmental phase. So you can actually find your son?
Yes/no will suffice. Don't want a spoiler :)
Save your money and invest in your future by not buying games that never end and are half made
Hell getting robinhood and playing day trader is one a better game and two a better waste of your money
/s.......not really save your money tell you can invest
Yes. lol