Should I buy another 770 or just get a new 970?

So I've had an EVGA GTX 770 SC Dual 2gb for almost a year now and have been debating on buying a second one on ebay or just selling my current one and getting a 970. My reasoning is that I would like to insure that I'll be able to run most demanding games on high and ultra settings for a while. I'm currently only gaming in 1080p but might bump up in the future. I've also been keeping the fact that many AAA titles are coming out with terrible PC optimization (I'm looking at you Ubisoft) in mind and considering i only get around 40 fps on AC unity with my current gpu config I want to upgrade but I'm stuck on whether to switch to a 970 completely because of the outstanding performance and 4gb gddr5 or to just get another 2gb 770

It depends. What kind of PSU do you have? If you do not think it can handle another 770, for sure go for the 970.  If you think your PSU can support it... I would probably still get the 970 lol, depending on financial things I suppose. That 4gb makes a big difference as another 770 would not bump the memory up to 4, still only 2 gb usable. 

I would go up to a R9 290x or gtx970.  I personally think that multi gpu setups are a pain in the ass.

I have a corsair rm750 so I'd be able to run the two cards fine but you're right about the 4gb that was really one of the strong points in considering thay card thanks for the insight


680's are the same as 770's

i would sell your 770gtx there still going for $200+ used on ebay and buy a 970gtx the new tech is worth it.

No point in SLI, very little games support it. Yea get 970, more vram for dem skyrim mods.

What the others said, get the 970, however, don't expect to run ACU on ultra, or even high, as some people with dual 980s can't even do that. It really is a shame that the AAA titles that have come out in the last year or 2 have been sooo bad at launch, I mean, BF4 Farcry4 have some sturtting issues, ACU and so on.

+1 to all that

The worst part is that it's not that difficult to fix, just make an open beta and get 5 million people to test the game, tell you what doesn't work and what's bad, and then fix it, if you need more time to fix it all, just delay the fucking game. I actually think Battlefield Hardline is good at this, though, it's not finished yet, but they held a beta several months before, and when it was over they just came out and said "look, there's so much we wanna add, fix, and improve, so we're delaying it" It's that easy.