Should I Buy a New Mobo?

So, if I buy a new motherboard (Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0), I then have to buy a new CPU, get an SSD, and a new copy of Windows 7. If I don't buy a new motherboard, I can buy two new monitors, a new case, and a better GPU.. What should I do? Running an Athlon 630 at the moment. with motherboard without motherboard


getz ze mobo. I think dell mobos are proprietary form factor anyways

You dont have to buy a new copy of windows, just install it and reactivate the code with the free hotline (windows shows you the steps).

The 630 at stock will limit the 7950 in many games @ 1080p, though stuff should be playable. If you got a halfway decend gpu rather go for the cpu upgrade. 7950s can be had for as little as 180 atm btw.


The problem is, I don't have a copy of Windows. It was preinstalled. This is just a temporary upgrade as well. Sometime in the future, when I get some money, I'll upgrade the Mobo and everything.

if you gonne choose for the first option with mobo, then i would recommend to spend $20 more and trow a FX8320 cpu on that mobo. then you done ☺

about windows you can download legal iso´s from windows 7 oem, and install it with your oem key, then phone microsoft and tell them your mobo has broke, and you have replace it, they can send you a new activation key.

Get a copy of windows 7 here (makeshure you pick one thats the same vershon as yours)

Then use your oem key from your del computer 

(Thеѕе аrе NOT illegal – Thеѕе аrе јυѕt thе download links fοr Windows 7 SP1 ISO whісh іѕ a retail wrap thаt offers a 30-day trial period. Yου need tο activate уουr Windows afterwards wіth a genuine license activation key tο continue using іt. Downloading thеѕе files frοm Digital River іѕ absolutely legal аnԁ completely free οf charge.)

If your oem key isnt somewhere stickered on the pc you can also find it in the registry. Use Winkeyfinder or something like that to find it.

Thanks, really helpful.

Another question, how easy is it to reinstall onto a new hard drive? 

I'm thinking about dropping the SSD to save some more money.

Dropping an ssd to save money is always a good option in my opinnion.

Installing windows on a Harddrive is the same as on a SSD its very easy just download the iso you need, burn it with a program like Nero or IMG burn <-- is free ware. trow it in the drive set your dvd drive as first boot in the bios, and you are ready to go.