Where do you find most of the best deals to build your own pc? I have been watching tek syndicate videos on budget builds and prices and I can't seem to find the products for the prices he is listing. . .Thank you.
Depends. Do you live in Canada or US?
A good place to start is http://pcpartpicker.com/.
The 2 most popular sites are newegg.com & tigerdirect.com.
If you want all the searching done for you (as well as some other benefits) then check out pcpartpicker.com
I usually shop newegg.com, amazon.com, or ncix.com normally in that order.
normally even if something is a few dollars more I will still order from newegg because they have a warehouse in NJ and I live in east PA so I can usually get my stuff the next day.
Thank you for the quick amazing help. Part picker is a great site.