Shooting at Youtube HQ

I got the point without reading further.

I don’t know what waibu or whatever is, but I’m assuming it’s government sponsored.

I think it’s unfair to equate a problem in china with a problem in the US, especially when the problems don’t appear to be even remotely similar.

I feel for those people who are stuck using crappy services, but it feels like a bit of a first world problem to me.

Let’s blame everything but the person who did the crime. Every god damn time.

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Are you saying no body ever did this or would? Try asking twitch streamers about that.

I’m sure there are enough examples of that, which you can find

Youtube’s rapid policy changes are affecting a lot of people. I have a friend with a youtube channel that has about 20k viewers, he doesn’t have a huge following, but a dedicated one. Youtube messed with his monetization months ago and it drove him to homelessness because that was the only income he had. But yet, he is still making videos. He started his channel in 2008.

I know people with much larger channels than that that who were greatly affected too.

Youtube’s constant changes to their algorithms are really hurting lots of people who thought they had a living making entertainment for youtube. Granted, I’m sure most of them even knew when things were going to go sour and probably saw the writings on the wall as well. But re-adapting can be a hard thing to do. Level1Techs just changed the way they do their news to adapt to the algorithm changes as well.

I’m sure lots of people have been through worse. But not everyone can deal with being in horrible situation’s in the same way. Some can clearly buckle under pressure very easily and act out in very unpredictable ways. Just like this woman here. With the way Youtube has been messing with things, if she didn’t shoot the place up, someone else more than likely could have that was under the same pressures that she was in.

Her parents did try to warn people though. But this woman was nearly 40, and probably beyond any rationale logic. Though I am just speculating there.

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I think this is a major problem in todays society. People are unable and unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions and it goes so far as what we see here when people are unwilling to let a deceased perpetrator hold the responsibility for actions of herself.


Youtube can do whatever the hell they want that’s within the law.

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It amazes me that this happens, shifting the blame, surely it was the evildoings of youtube that made her become a killer, that could happen to everyone of us, right?

Don’t upload youtube videos. You might just become a mass shooter!


Alphabet can change any policy they like, though I do question how law abiding they are as a mega corporation. They generally just bend laws to their will.

But, they should also realize that they are shaking down a large group of people who rely on youtube monetization for money. When they shake down a percentage that is as big as their user base, they are going to disrupt peoples lives and even make some of their users do some irrational things.

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Probably but they are truly evil fucks /s (not /s about them being evil)

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And while there is a discussion to be made on the good and bad of youtube or relying on them for your sole income, that still doesnt give your friend any right to shoot anyone, nor does it make it youtubes fault if he did. The fact that he didnt shows you he knows he can’t just go kill people from youtube for him relying solely on them for money.

Businesses fail all the time for many many reasons, and none of those reasons are good enough to let you shoot anyone.

And yet, nothing you have said suggests youtube is at any fault for this person’s actions.

I dont think your post has given any credible or actual reasons so show that youtue would be at any fault in part of full for what she did.

You have to accept responsibility for your own actions, and you have to accept responsibility for how you run your own business.

If she thought there was a case she could take them to court.

If people just went around shooting people for their loss of business this would be a terrible world.

None of those people are entitled to earn money through youtube, alphabet has given them that privilege.


As soon as I posted, I realized it was not the best example, but I thought there were a lot of parallels in that hypothetical to what was happening here.

Your point is valid, but yeah prob not the best example.

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And that doesn’t make them at fault.

This is a different discussion. Youtubes policies might not be good ones, but they are allowed to change them if they want. Bad business practices doesn’t mean you can lay the blame for your actions on youtube.

I think the action of a crime has to be separated from the policies and business practices people do. A crime is a crime, and the person committing it is to blame for that regardless of whatever reasons they say they did it for.

Youtubes policies and how to make money there, that’s a different thing, the answer isnt to blame youtube if someone shoots people.

edit: it would be different if youtube was directly making people commit crimes.

Sad part is many are not exactly coming from healthy households and the enormous advantages it gives people. That alone, is enough for some to enact revenge-upon-the-world and you want to blame them for it? Well, I don’t disagree, only partially.

That’s why genes, environment and such are popular topics for intellectuals like Sam Harris

But expecting everyone should know anything by default. May apparently be asking too much at times



Now read the rest, don’t respond until you do.

This is a bigger scociatly problem i think where people are pushing more and more the “its someone elses fault” attitude to people.

You have to take responsibility for your life, and people aren’t being taught this or are actively being taught the opposite. This is possibly one of the unhealthiest attitudes people are being brought up with, and its not necessarily limited to people in bad households. As far as im aware this woman wasn’t brought up in a poor or unhealthy household.