Shirt/Hoodie design thread. - Post your designs

Also, a linux shirt, the idea being me and tux, the linux penguin mascot, hugging kinda like this calvin and hobbes cartoon:


beware if programmers that carry screwdrivers??? Dammit, why? ,am i a terrorist now?

and am serious i didn't knew it was a thing......but i want this idea to be scrapped! you don't need to worry for them its harmless!

@wendell @kreestuh someone had the idea for this in the old TS shirt design thread and I made a design for it. I originally pitched it to Logan, but I don't think he's planning on using it. Let me know if you'd want to use it.


Let's not use this. :p

Don't think RMS would like too see his initials used this way and also the GNU foundation itself was not fond of the idea of being associated with satanism :p

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fair enough lol :D

tbh I think he would just smirk lol

Nah he will start a letter where in will be stated that its not a good idea and if the tshirt or hoodie can be stopped from selling :p

But again he was more shocked to hear that the site associated GNU with opensource and not free software XD

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Something with cats!
Seven red perpendicular lines drawn in transparent and blue ink with a cat!

And then you get aviary influenza?

T-shirt with a bright smile and the slogan "FLOSS every day"?

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Some of these jokes, I just can't...


Only some?

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Okay, I'll admit, pretty much all of them.

It's like the dad jokes of technology.

that is mr dad jokes of technology for you!

Anything open source/software related is also cool. Being an open source developer I love that kind of stuff.

PCB's would also be acceptable. (like the desk mats)

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A T-shirt with on the front a picture of the front of a sitting cat with "journalctl", and on the back a picture of the back the same sitting cat with "journalctl -f"

That's not a dad joke right, that's an advanced one?

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@wendell/@kreestuh: is there a template for the T-shirt designs from the apparel manufacturer?

I'm fairly certain the normal tees are just Next Level 3600 shirts.

Template here I believe.

Although if Level1 is using Vermont Green Printing like TS was, they might have a different template.

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I dont believe i am talented enough to draw up a good design myself, but i will always request a M&Ms cocktail glass shirt.

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Can we get a shirt with a built in bluejack that kills microsoft laptops that would be great.