Shiny new toy - BenQ XL2730Z

My new BenQ XL2730Z 27-Inch should be arriving tomorrow..

This will be the first decent screen I have owned in donkeys as currently I game on a 32 inch 1440x900 75hz hdtv (yes I know, terrible).

I dont really have much experience with a decent screen so please no snobbery, given what I am currently used to it is definately going to be a step up.

The main reason I bought this one was the freesynch range of 40 to 144 so as long as I can sustain 40 everything should be buttery goodness.

I read quite a few reviews so I know what I am getting into and what to expect.

I will report back what it is like and if it was worth the money.

Oh, yes please do! I'll be buying one in a few days, the new firmware (which fixes overdrive not working with freesync enabled) should be on all monitors on July the 1st in europe, which is why I held off.

From what I heard it's basically identical (different panel, but virtually the same specs and real world performance) to an ROG Swift, just with a better (less grainy) AG-coating.

Apparently it looks pretty horrendous out of the box because all the gaming features are active, but 20 minutes of calibration and messing around give you a really nice image for a TN screen from what I've heard.

Native blur reduction (lightboost, effectively) also seems really nice, but it doesn't work with freesync enabled (the same goes for g-sync btw.). but it's a really nice add-on for competitive games where you probably exceed 144 fps.

So, yeah. I'm pumped for this monitor and for the (very close from what I hear) freesync CF driver. Just as a heads-up, depending on your system switching to 1440p will hit performance hard. Be prepared to lower settings when playing at 1440p compared to 1440x900.

That monitor looks gorgeous. I also have a benQ but no where near that nice lol. The only thing that (may) be a problem is that its a TN panel.

I say ~may~ because it has to deal with viewing angles. Which, if you're the only one using it, will be perfectly fine. As long as you look directly at it. Only when you look at it non-directly do you see some wonkiness going on.

I myself have a TN panel, works great, and the viewing angle is something I don't care too much about anyway.

Good buy, hope you love it!

I have 2xr9 290's in crossfire, I am hoping they will be able to cope :P

Oh, same GPUs as me then. That won't be an issue in that case. But freesync still doesn't work with crossfire enabled, keep that in mind. The driver-update should be coming very soon but as of now it doesn't work.

That means either sticking to one GPU until the correct drivers are available or disabling freesync and going full 144Hz with motion blur reduciton. Either of those should be interesting, I'm looking forward to comparing them myself tbh.

already aware, to be honest I am not even expecting AMD to try and fix crossfire on dx11, I think they will only bother on dx12/win10 as from what I can see multi gpu is just broken pre dx12

...and I dont blame them.

Oh it's coming, trust me. A leaked driver has been tested by some members of the guru3d forums and freesync works with crossfire without any issues. The same goes for the 15.16 drivers (R9 300 series and Fury only but you can make it work on 200 series cards as well), freesync working on an R9 295x2 with crossfire enabled. I would expect it to be in the next unified full release or beta-driver.

up and running

the lead that came with the screen for displayport only gives a stable image up to 100hz. past that point i get REALLY horrible flickering

ordered one of those gold plated 1.2 ones to see if that makes a difference

at the moment I can either set it to 1920x1080 144hz (stable image) OR 2560x1440 100hz

...Really hoping its just a lead problem

It would be really interesting to me if you could check the firmware version, should be somewhere in the OSD under "information" or something similar.

The flickering issue you describe sounds odd to say the least, haven't read about that in any of the reviews. Maybe try out DVI and see if that goes to a stable 120Hz at 1440p. If it's borked you'll probably have to RMA it.

Mine arrived, 144Hz via DP works flawlessly with 15.4 drivers, what drivers are you running? Anyway, I the the V001 firmware-version so AMA doesn't work with freesync.... Sent a mail to BenQ, apparently they'll pick it up and update the firmware on it.
Also, holy crap lightboost/blur reduction is amazing!