Setup connection to UNRAID servers services using VPN


To prefix why I am doing this, I want to host a minecraft server for my little brother without giving my IP address out to his friends.

So my idea is, setup a VPS with OPENVPN on it, connect my local unraid server to the VPS server and then figure out a way to port forward.

At the moment I am stuck on the part of trying to port foward the minecraft server, I am able to access the minecarft server if I VPN into the network but I want to be able to access the minecraft server without having to vpn in.

Does anyone know a solution to this problem or a better one?


You will need to enable ipv4 forwarding on the VPS, setup iptables for forwarding it, and setup snat on the local unraid server. Oh, and I assume you already have a VPN tunnel setup. Source/Example

The other option is a (reverse) proxy software.

Unfortunately, this is not something that Nginx or Haproxy is going to be able to help with. Fortunately, there is a specific proxy software for Minecraft available, namely Velocity.

or you can do ddns( dynamic dns) which removes the ip and replaces with a, further the VPN / firewall server you will be running won’t be doing anything except using your money. as you can run a firewall on the Minecraft server also with just the ddns and no need for a vpn

Sorry, but this is incorrect. It just makes the IP not blaringly obvious but does not “remove” the IP address. You can get the IP with a simple ping command, or really just about anything else.

Thanks for you response, a few questions.

On the VPS I should

  • IP forward by doing this command
    sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

  • Setup NAT to port forward

    • port should be the one I am using for minecraft?
    • Is the -d and --to-dest my ip address for my unraid server ie my houses IP
      iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d x.x.x.x -p tcp --dport 25565 -j DNAT --to-dest y.y.y.100:25565

Sorry about all of the questions.

I think -d is your public IP on the VPS, and --to-dest is the IP in the VPN tunnel of your local server.

Depending on how the OS is configured on the VPS you may also need to configure firewall ACCEPT rules. Run iptables -L -vn and see if the chains are set to default ACCEPT or DROP/DENY.

Or if you’re running a Fedora/RHEL/CentOS system you might want to learn how to use firewall-cmd to manage firewalld because if that is running, you really don’t want to get into a fight with it by trying to use custom rules.

Thanks for all of your help guys! I went with the Velocity solution.

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I am also using velocity, so if you need any tips let me know.

If the VPS is on a distro that uses systemd, I have a systemd service file here-

Description=Velocity Minecraft Proxy

ExecStart=/path/to/java -jar velocity-proxy.jar 


Edit theWorkingDirectory and ExecStart as needed. Call the file velocity.service, put in /etc/systemd/system/, although there other places that will work.


sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable velocity
sudo systemctl start velocity

and you should be in business with a systemd managed proxy. It will then autostart with the system, and is easy to restart(sudo systemctl restart velocity)

I also have a simple update script for it, although I don’t really trust it (yet), as I just wrote it like two weeks ago. It works if you are using the stable version. Also you need to make a version.txt in your velocity directory. Something like echo 1.0.7 > version.txt

set -euo pipefail

cd /path/to/velocity/directory
UPDATE_PAGE=$(curl -s
UPDATE_URL=$(echo $UPDATE_PAGE | grep -oi '*jar')
UPDATE_VERSION=$(echo $UPDATE_URL | grep -io 'proxy-.*jar' | grep -ioP '\d.*\d')
CURRENT_VERSION=$(cat version.txt)

        echo Velocity up to date: version $CURRENT_VERSION
        echo New Velocity update available: version $UPDATE_VERSION
        systemctl stop velocity.service
        mv velocity-proxy.jar velocity-proxy.jar.old
        curl -o velocity-proxy.jar $UPDATE_URL
        systemctl start velocity.service
        echo $UPDATE_VERSION > version.txt
        rm velocity-proxy.jar.old