Hey Logan,
I recently upgraded my internet speeds to 30 mbps down and 5 mbps up. I was wondering if this was a fast enough speed to stream HD movies over the internet to say, my laptop in D.C. And if it is, then how should I go about setting up my home server? I want to try to avoid building a new machine and perhaps use a software alternative. If you need some more info about my setup I can give it. I am a total noob when it comes to servers and streaming content and setting up websites, so any help would be great.
Thanks for everything you and Wendell and everybody at Tek Sydincate does for the community. I love your videos and watch them every week. Keep up the good work guys!
Dude, it would be a lot cheaper to just buy yourself a portable harddrive then worrying about setting up a server. No need to overcomplicate something that doesn't need to be.
Wait, where are these two computers (in the same house or same room or what)?
See I wanted to do that but I also have family and friends that want to stream my movies and music who live across the country.
As I mentioned in my other reply, I want to sream my movies and music online to my family who lives out of state and myself when I go on trips to D.C. (going on one in a couple of days). I already have a decently powerful rig which can be found here: http://pcpartpicker.com/b/BQ4. Any help would be great!
In all honesty you could stream movies over your connection, but it would use up all your available bandwidth. Imagine if you wanted to use the interent at the same time that one of your family members wanted to stream something. It would literally cripple your experience. You would honestly need a business level connection to make this a viable option.
Thanks for the reply. This is exactly what I needed to hear. I guess I'll just have to stick with a portable HDD. Thanks everybody for the great info!