Server Project Suggestions

Evening all, quick question

My company has just received a shipment of new servers (18x 7543Ps + 4.5TB RAM), and they’re not due to be deployed for a few weeks. What’s a cool experimental project that could be interesting to look at on these machines in the meantime? I was thinking of doing something like Folding@Home but since it’s more of a set and forget sort of project, we’d like something a bit more engaging. Any ideas?

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Save money and keep them unplugged from power until you’re ready to deploy.


Do something experiemental that is work related. That way you can at least justify the running cost.

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Wow who invited Buzz Killington? :wink: Man you guys are like why Strong Bad was quoted as saying “Where’s the fun in eating LESS candy!?”

If the workplace is footing the bill maybe some astrophysics stuff. Crunching radio signals from space or something with some mystery. List of distributed computing projects - Wikipedia

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