Hey! First post so be nice :)
So i just got my UX32VD after drooling over the Tek videos for to long. I took their suggestion and installed additional RAM and an SSD. So everything went smooth with that.
I could not find my Windows serialkey anywhere on the box/laptop/manual so i used a freeware tool called The Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder to locate the encrypted key. So after writing that down i started reinstalling Windows 7 Home Premium on the laptop. Enter serial and everything seems fine until all of a sudden the "activate windows warning" appears.
Any ideas? Did i perhaps install the wrong version on Windows? Anyone know if Microsoft will allow me to activate my key again as it was preinstalled on the first harddrive? Do i have to clone the installed drive to the SSD to be able to use that key?
Anyway. All answers would be awsome.
Cheers in advance!