Sennheiser headsets

i want too get some knowledg about these headsets that sennheiser produced 

so there are 2 headsets that i might consider getting the


sennheiser PC 363D

sennheiser PC 350 SE


is there a huge diffrence between these two and which one is better bang for buck 


also will i need an AMP or sound card to get the full potential out of these ?

Well Sennheiser seems to have a tendency to rebrand their stuff and just change the look of their products. Example, the pc 360s (their first "gaming headset) drivers came from their mid range headphones and slapped a huge boom mic on it (not that that is a huge con but..) since then they have released the "g4me one" which is a white version of the 360s (and they did the same with the 350s). And it pretty much looks like the 363d's are the 360s with a 7.1 usb soundcard. I had the original 360s and they were decent they lasted about 4 years I believe.  The difference between their two offerings are one is a open back (360 363 g4me one) and the other is a closed(350 350se).  I can't speak from experience on how the 350s sound but I heard they sound very tinny and only sound decent when modded they also have a 150 impedance so they probably wouldn't hurt from amplification but not sure if necessary.  

The 360s sounded good for gaming but they lacked low end. If you want good positional audio they are pretty damn good, but if you want a pair of cans that can do more than fps/competitive gaming its kind of a one trick pony as it doesn't really have a full sound for music and isn't the most pleasing for it.  Unless you can get a really good deal on a pair 360s (I wouldn't pay the preminium for the 363d b/c I can almost guarantee they are the same as the 360s with a usb soundcard) I would say you can do better for the money. Also with the 360s they are 32 impedance so onboard sound will be fine.