Sennheiser HD 280 v. Grado SR80e

Wondering what everyone thought were here.



Both well reviewed, well respected, and about the same price.


I listen to nearly anything except country music and game quite a bit as well and I am sick for "gaming headset" sound quality.

Anyone with personal experience with either?


Please let me know.



Sennheiser has wider frequency 8 - 25000 Hz and 102 dB compare to 20 - 20000Hz and 99.8 dB. I don't know much about Grado products but i use HD 380 pro and am very happy with them.

Haven't listened to either, but I know that many people don't like sennheisers below their 4xx series.  I also know that many praise grados.  Another thing, since the grados are open they should have a larger soundstage, and therefore be better for gaming.

SR80e's are the better headphone out of the two.