Selling custom build with pireted software?

just wondering if anyone has sold a pc with a not so legit os on it? anyone ever got in trouble for it?



if you do it right theres nothing to worry about  :) if you pirate wrong theres everything to worry about.

pro tip dont pirate things that have to be registered via websites. 

never went to a website got a pre activated version. It says its geuine. but then again i turned off auto updates...

I am assumming that you pirated Windows or Mac OSX and put it on a computer and sold that computer. No, If that person did not know before hand that you pirated the OS and you sold him/her the computer. If they did not know, then you have sold them a product that they thought they were getting their money's worth for. Instead, now they will have to deal with the consequences of having a pirated OS. What if they need to reinstall one day and they find out that their KEY is not valid?


However, if they did know, I don't see why it would be a bad thing.

i didnt sell anything yet. i was just wondering if i should sell it without the os or if i could sell it with the os.

sell it with the os and give them a iso disk with the os. tell them ist not legit and that they have to use the iso you provided or buy a genuine copy or get a copy with the crack built in.

If this troubles you just install a free os on there (linuxmint,ubuntu,debian ect)

I wouldn't sell them a PC with pirated OS. It could come back and hit you like a hurricane if they decide to take you to court after the fact. Sell them the hard ware and let them be responsible for where their OS comes from. Or just get a legit OS and add it to the price of the hardware.

What I will say is "Will install any OS you want"

And If they ask for Windows I will tell them straight up I can but It's not legit and that it is up to him to activate it either by buying a copy of Windows or by getting an activator.

Really It's not a big deal.