Selling compute power... need feedback

Well I want to earn money using my compute power while not gaming, or even let my old notebook doing work several hours a day to do so, but I really don't like the idea of bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin...

It's just that I see that putting that power to mine cryptocurrency doesn't really produce for real economy, I mean I'm not helping some guy to produce something (like it would do a renderfarm for example) and get money for it.

That's why I've been searching and found this:



Do yo think they are reliable? well or bad payed?


Want to hear some opinions and some experiences as well

I think it would be fun to dig out all my old gear and set them all up to see how much I could make. I don't know about these, but they seem legitimate. If you find out any more, post back here! I'm going to try to find out more about these companies when I get the chance and I'll let you know if I find anything.

If you aren't necessarily profit driven, you can donate computing power to Folding@Home.

Well donating it's good idea, but here in Spain electricity bills are not cheap, so I'll be better looking at least to have a help to pay the power bill, since I am at pc all day, but not allways using compute power (a lot of web research and word, so that's the time for me to sell it).

Said so, I'll consider to donate maybe a couple of hours a week, if the causes are good it's always good to help

Given then earning potential I’ve seen you would have to let it run 24/7 to earn any notable amount of money, therefor my hole post assumes letting it run 24/7.

the dangers I'm seeing here:

These systems need continues online access: if i wanted to create a bot network with a legitimate business front: this is how i would do it. If this gets abused you could be faced with defending yourself against cybercrime allegations. Consider buying legal insurance.

I'm not sure whether the money you get will actually be enough to break even with the electricity cost (especially if you have thirsty graphics card along for the ride) (also forget current amd fx processors)

Wear and tear on your computer parts: Desktop computers / Labtops aren't really build for being maxed out, unless you bought a premium powersupply, mainboard and cooling solution.

you also have to include the hidden costs like the time you spend on maintenance, on a computer than runs 24/7 (frequent dust removal, frequent backups...)

If you have to cool your room with Air-conditioning : this is almost certainly guarantied to make you loose money.

Usefull scenario:

I would say, that if you live somewhere cold where the waste heat of your computer can be used for lowering the cost of heating your house.  &   You buy a new relatively high end computer at the end of the warranty period anyway. &  You don't use up most of your cpu-time yourself.   &  electricity is relatively cheap in your area. (maybe you can use night-pricing)  -> You could actually substantially lower the amount of money you pour into your PC-hobby.

Other thoughts:

You need to do extensive calculations with all your costs including the time you have to spend to make this work. (How much money/hour do you (or would you) earn at work)

Old computers will almost certainly not be energy efficient enough to net a profit.

A very low internet taffic-cap might also ruin this. has a WOT website rating of being untrustworthy (note WOT rates their website, not their business) has a so called  "marketing system" that reminds me of the classical pyramid scam for reselling goods. Baiting you with the false promise of effortlessly becoming a profitable middleman.

Are you from Spain or do you just live there? I'm a huge MotoGP fan. I want to go to the race at Motorland Aragon (near Alcaniz) next year.

very interesting.

Well I live here since 1999 so Iconsider myself as Spanish, I live in Barcelona

Thank you man, really interesting analysis...

Since my pc runs on a fx-6100 and a gtx570... ando I woul not making it run 24/7 because I will use it to work and do compute for my own purposes, as well as casual gaming.

I would have no need for air conditioner, but the legal thing holds me back a little...

I though of earning 20+/- $ a month, to invest it in new hardware every 6 year or so... but the power bill is a consideration and letting run through the night is another...


I'll make my numbers next wek and let you all know, for seems the best, since you rent the compute power to another particular, so I might negotiate the price/hour (the service takes a fee for every rent as I understand...)

I would start today but as you say legal is something that holds me back, specialy if I have to get an insurance.... 

One thig I would do is to donate compute to folding@home, seems to me a good cause.


Thakns for you help


About your plan of monetizing your pc over 6 years:

  • processing power depreciates relatively fast over time: you'll get allot less money for renting out your pc's compute power in 3 years than you'll get now. The window to monetize your pc at a profit is now.
  • I would try to stress my pc inside the warranty period, in case your mainboard or  powersupply have design weaknesses, it's preferable to have them fail while you get a free replacement.

My bad, I wrote wrong, ment 6 months to a year...