Selecting a GPU

This post may be more suited for the GPU section, but it seemed like that section was mostly for GPU problems

Id like to get a new GPU that supports atleast 4 screens. I would like the cheapest but best solution and would prefer the GPU to last a few years, I probably have to upgrade the PC in a few years anyways.

The rig is used for gaming and work (programming mostly). No video rendering or editing. I maybe starting with photoshop or something similar in the future, cant be more specific about the software. 

I dont really play the highest end games, but would be nice if the GPU could handle high end games, just in case.

Something up to 350 dollars would be acceptable, around 250 dollars would be best. Currency is NOK, and prefered retailer is

Current rig





Is there any way for me to use 3 screens with the current setup?

Would a new GPU be the cheapest solution or is there something cheaper I can do to support 3 screens.

I say the GPU should atleast support 4 screens because I will probably upgrade to 4 screens later, but if there exists a much cheaper solution for 3 screens im all onboard.

Been looking at something like this.!tab:extra

Would this GPU work in my motherboard, what do you sacrifice if you connect a pcie 3 to a pcie 2?

How do you see if a GPU supports 4 screens? Some of the GPU's from this store says that the screens supports at max x number of screens, but some dosent mention that at all. Is it as simple as looking at the number of connections that the GPU has?

Totally new to all of this, lots of questions :D.

Thanks for any help!

Your motherboard is basicly fine for any gpu.In terms of pci-e 2.0 vs 3.0, you basicly dont sacreficing anything, because current gpu´s dont maxout the bandwith of pci-e 2.0 anyway.

  1. Sapphire R9-290X TriX OC
  2. GTX970
  3. Sapphire R9-290 TriX OC

If you can find one of these cards in your price range, then i think that one of those cards would be good to look for.

They all seem to be a little expensive.

how much worse would a GPU get if the price would be reduced a bit more? I might be able to stretch to one of those card, something like this!tab:extra

how long of a lifespan would you estimate for a card like this? 

And what sort of games could i run?

the photoshop request really isnt important

Thank you so much for your help! Very much appreciated!

Wait for the GTX 960 mate, should be around $250-$300. Coming to customers @Jan 22nd. Here's just two first variants of this GPU that were leaked (Manufactured by MSi, but I personally prefer other companies over MSi). Also it's rumored that it should come in two Ti variants. Seriously, wait for it and get it, at least, that's what I am doing right now.


you can run anything besides the most demanding games maxed out with a R9 280X @1080p... which is significantly cheaper... the 970/290/290X is more of a good buy for the long haul... for 1440p, they would be reasonably necessary... my 780 classified starts to struggle to hold 60FPS in some games @1440p... er... did before I overclocked it a little...

I don't think you'd be disappointed with a 280X... for photoshop specifically, it will prefer CUDA, but if it's not important, then 280X if you want cheaper... there's a pretty significant price difference from the 290 and 290X...

GTX 970

with those 3 cards i have listed above, you will be able to maxout any game at 1080p. For the upcomming 2 years i think.

Only con will be your i7-960 cpu, which is starting to show its age. in some highly cpu bound games, that particular cpu will slightly bottleneck a highend gpu. But still it wont be that terrible.

Maybe you should try getting a second hand 290x? a card that still has a warranty just in case

What about these two cards?!tab:extra!tab:extra

Why do you want thw 290 cards to be sapphire?

How big of a performance boost is it between the 290 and 290x?

Thanks for all the input guys! 


Which of these cards would you recommend?

They all do supports 4 screens or more right?

Thanks for all your help guys! Awesome community

Look for something with at least 3GB of VRAM. especially for running 4 monitors