Ok, so recently I've been playing with a bunch of these old computers I have laying around and I've decided to turn one into a dedicated "tin-foil hat" computer. How would it be best to go about this? I was already planning on live booting tails from a CD, removing the HDD, and possibly running though a VPN again, but what all can I do to assure anonymity online?
I'm not a network expert, but seeing as there has been not one response yet, I'll weigh in with my two cents.
Use add-ons like Disconnect and DoNoTrackMe for Firefox. To help prevent public servers from tracking where you have been.
Maybe try something which would auto try loading a website in SSL/HTTPS?
Sorry that I cant give any more low level input, but I have never looked into it myself.
Cheers, BBB.
Would that still be needed with Iceweasel? Or is Iceweasel just for TOR integration?
Yes it's real. I don't think it's been updated in years though. The last time I booted it up was around 2002.
But I see you have an OS in mind. Get a VPN or proxy setup, spoof a mac address, make a kill switch.
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ever you can download the file below.Thanksssssssssssssssss