Hey all, new to the forum and to PC gaming. Looking at a budget build and this is what i've come up with. Making sure nothing is too terribly wrong or incompatible. These had the best rating for the price range that I saw. Any input would be appreciated.
ASUS F2A85-V PRO FM2 AMD A85X (Hudson D4) SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 HDMI ATX http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131882
AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition Deneb 3.4GHz Socket AM3 125W Quad-Core Processor http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103727
The build is $634.93 (minus OS) all free shipping. I'm salvaging my optical drive from this computer. If there is anything noticeably better for equal or lesser price feel free to let me know. I appreciate the input.
The one thing I see is you are using a laptop HDD in your tower. Go for a full sized HDD at the same price range. You don’t need to go for a Caviar Black when a Blue or Green will work just as fine. For the budget build the tiny bit slower HDD won’t make a difference. I see you are using an AMD 3 socket processor in an Asus FM 2 socket board. I honestly don’t know if there will be a compatibility issue here I just wanted to point it out so you can double check. The power supply is 80+ so that is great. You cannot go wrong with the RAM you have chosen and that looks like a nice GPU for your build. So, just check out the issues I have mentioned and you should be off to the races. Have fun, and enjoy your build.
Honestly, from the parts list that you have there, it seems like you should be able to go with something a little better for your price range.
Thats just what I threw together. I'd probably go for something pretty close to that. Maybe spring on a case that's a tad bit nicer, because I'm not a big fan of white, but yeah. There you go.
And if you really want a big bump in performance, buy a Tahiti Le. Those cards are crazy, but they're quite a bit more and they'll push you over your original budget.
It still keeps me with the $600-$700 budget so I might as well grab it. One last thing, is there any advantage to 1866 ram vs 1600? With this setup and for gaming?
^He does have a point. It's 20 dollars more. I suggest the 6100 because I was assuming that you needed to keep the price exactly at your original, but now that I see it just needs to be between 600-700, go for the 6300.