I have a Corsair already but its not modular and I want one that is. Is this a good one or do you have a recommendation? Was leaning towards the Corsair RM750 as I have always been a Corsair guy but the reviews did not seem good.
I have an RM series PSU and it has been absolutely fabulous. Never had any problems with any Corsair PSU actually. Even the little CX430s have been great.
SeaSonic makes good PSUs no doubt about that. I don't know how loud this one would be though.
It's really, really quiet. As in I literally can't hear it sitting next to it quiet. Other than that it has worked perfectly for me for two years now? It's been in a couple builds now and to a college dorm and back and I've never had problems with it. The fan also comes on rarely enough that I've never had to clean the filter under it.
I would say go for it, Seasonics are fantastic and super quiet (as if they use Noctua fans). Corsairs are good too but Seasonic usually offers a 5 year warranty. If you have the money for the Seasonic there is nothing better.
I have one and it's been great, but honestly the X-650 model is getting a little bit old now. For my main system I recently moved over to their fanless Platinum 460W. The capacity of 460W might not be enough for some systems, but it handles my i5 + R9 290 setup with a good enough margin.
Back when I got my X-650 I knew that it would pretty much always be overpowered for the quiet systems that I'm putting together for myself, but back then there were so few really quiet power supplies out there. Now the market is quite different. I don't mind to keep betting on Seasonic at any rate. I'd look for prices on their 660W Platinum if you need that much power.
I actually bought both the Corsair RM and the Seasonic X . I will keep the one I like and give the other one to my brother. Thanks everyone for your time and help.
It outright failed the tests from hardocp. Read the last page of the review, Corsair said they fixed the issues, maybe you have the revised version, But either way, I would ditch the Corsair.
I have this exact one as well. My first SeaSonic and I am happy with it. I run crossfire (had doubts the psu may not be enough) and overclocks (CPU & GPU) and I am happy that it is quite solid, just wish I had a kill-a-watt to measure the usage. Other than that I would keep using/recommending this. During the time of purchase was on sale under $100