Searching for Contacts / Calendar Software (Server)

Hi guys,

I'm currently looking for a Contacs (idealy even Calendar) management server to run on my Debian Server.
It should have the following "features":

  • easy access with Android / PC (third party apps are ok)
  • fast and clean (not too bloated with xGB of installed binaries)
  • open protocol

Currently I'm using Owncloud's Calendar and Contact app for this, but that solution is not really flexible and also has a ton of overhead (MySQL+PHP+Web Server+Third Party Apps+Browser+...)

Anything out there?

Maybe something like an open-source implementation of Exchange (however it doesn't need to be THAT feature rich)

Try Kolab Groupware, I've never actually set up an install of it myself but I've heard some VERY good things about it, and the demo looked promising. Kolab will supposedly run much better on Ubuntu, but you could always use VirtualBox or OpenVZ/Proxmox if you MUST use Debian instead of Ubuntu.

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