Seagate barracuda longevity

so i have finally found the answer to an age old question how long will a seagate barracuda 2TB last in a heavy use case with multiple reformat and raid rebuilds. answer is just under 4 years. which is not bad considering i have been really rough on the drive.

but it has finally gotten so many bad sectors that it can be found by windows but can not be formatted or used. ( disk does not have S.M.A.R.T so i can not link it) oddly enough my WD cavilair green 2TB HDD has out lasted almost every other drive that i have used in this system, it is now 5.5 years old and still kicking.

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Yeah well these kind of questions are allways hard to answer.
It basicly is more a matter of luck then anything else with storage devices.


THE BEST source on HDD longevity imo.

i guess i should put joke tag in name as its more of an observation post than an informational post. but i know about that site and it is nice.

Ill admit I didn't even read your post. I skimmed it saw something about HDDs life and just blindly linked those people

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There has always been controversy regarding Backblaze's methodology thanks in no small part to a TweakTown article from awhile back:

Yeah, 4 years sounds about right. I'm a lab tech at school managing ~4 year old machines with 2TB Seagates and they've been dropping like flies this semester. Never had any problems in the past. No reports from SMART. They just die.


I tend to avoid spinning rust if I can at all help it - Although, an embarassing secret of mine is that my Fibre Channel SAN is full of 750GB Seagate drives. I'm expecting at least half of them to be stone dead... They do not bear well in server environments