Hi... new here... I think it was time for me to join teksyndicate as I have watched some of Logan's videos and purusing the fourm for a while now.... Also to join in the world of PC gaming, for a bit at least...
With that outta the way.. I have a older computer that I won a VanaFest a few years back.... (AMD Pheonom X4 9850 64bit (iirc) , HD5770 GPU, full tower case, 6 gigs of ddr2 ram, 650w psu, and an AsusTEC M2N-E)... And I wanted to upgrade...
Now a few questions that pertain to that, and a few that I feel I should know the answer to, but don't... >.< In no particular order...
1) I can reuse my case/psu? I mean 650w seems to still be plenty in this day in age... or is it better to by new?
2) If its better to buy new ... whats the diffrence bewteen 80+ bronze, silver, gold, and platinum? just quailty? and whats with the 80+ anyways?
3) I realize AM2+ is outdated and will need a mobo for any real improvements... and that DDR2 got replaced by DDR3... no problems there.. Guess no question here.. just pointing that out...
4) If I get a Z77 / Z87 can i buy a "cheap" i3 3rd/4th gen and when i get some more money buy a good i5/i7 3rd/4th gen without having to get a new mobo?
5) Could I reuse my HD5770 in a Z77 / Z87 mobo?
6) Brand don't matter for any of the compenets do they? I mean a MSI GTX 660 is going to be the same as a EVGA GTX 660, just with diffrent cooling options, right? Cruical 1600DDR3 RAM is going to be the same as G.Skill 160DDR3 ram? A Gigabyte Z77 is going to be the same as a Asus Z77? or is there a lot of diffrences?
7) Are there brands that I should avoid? or is it all personal prefrence?
8) How important are fps? I mean.. If Im plaing a game on high/extreme a 60 fps will I even notice the diffrence if it was runnig at 70 fps instead? 120 fps? At what point can you not tell?
9) I'm not going to list parts that im going to buy (at least not yet) because with sites like pcpartpicker, passmark benchmark, and logical Incriments I have a pretty good idea on what I want to go with... any other sites like those I can use for refrences?
For some reason when I started I thought there be a lot more the 9 (8 really)... But I guess this will do for now...
Hopefully I put this in the right sectiion...