Screen tearing with Mint on AMD 5350

Hello everyone, I've got this old HTPC I'm trying to use again. As stated it's a 5350. Previously I had wandows on it and things were fine. I put Mint Mate on it though and it struggles to keep up with YouTube and Netflix in chrome.

I've tried changing display managers to compiz, it seemed like it helps a little but it's still not 100%. I tried turning off hardware accel in chrome to no avail. I'm not sure what else to do since normally this just works out of the box on other machines. Google revealed nothing of value. What have you guys done in the past to get rid of tearing?

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In my case (GTX 1070) the tearing was only when watching videos in fullscreen. I had to edit one of the Nvidia config files to get rid of it, but that of course won't work with an AMD card.

I usually use Compton with the config file from the arch wiki. But i can't remember whether it is mostly for XFCE.

When I ran LXLE on a weak cpu with a weaker gfx I used a Youtube Player instead of the browser and it worked quite well.
Athlon 2650e with integrated NVIDIA GeForce 6150 SE