First off: I really hope this isn't in the wrong section, I apologise if it is.
So I put together my first rig earlier this month, and got my hands on a pair of LG IPS monitors to boot (23ea63-vp), however they don't like to cooperate when they're both being used at the same time.
As an example: Right now I have a stream and this forum post open in chrome on my left monitor, and I have Cookie Clicker running on my right monitor. And I'll have a lower framerate which can be noticed by all the screen tearing and slowed effects like minimizing and dragging tabs.
But once I move Cookie Clicker over to the left monitor everything's peachy; it's all smooth as butter. I don't understand it. I should say as well this isn't affected in any games such as Skyrim or Dirt 3, which all run at 60 FPS no matter what, so hardware isn't an issue.
I'm running the two monitors off a GTX 760 using the latest Nvidia drivers, with both of them plugged in via DVI (just plain DVI, no VGA adapters or such), I don't understand why a card that can run Skyrim on Ultra with no fps drops at all can't cope with two monitors running Chrome.
Am I doing something wrong here, or am I just unlucky with my choices or hardware?