Screen shakes during semi intensive gameing

I have 2 evega 780's in sli and it seams in most of my games my screen starts taring and shacking, i'm using the most recent drivers and the rest of the specs for my pc are:

Intel core i5 2500k

asus p8 p67 pro rev 3.1

16gb of gskill ripjaw DDR3 ram

and the monitor I'm using is the shimian if this could be some how linked to the monitor because the issue is not showing up in screen caps

turn off sli

yeah that fixed it, so dose that mean its and issue with my seconded card, or is it a bug with sli?

some games suck when it comes to multi gpus. what game may i ask?

tf2, and my moded fallout 3, some times but not recently in far cry 4