Screen or software for Aspect Ratio switching

Hello all,

I built my PC about 8 months ago. At the time I didn't have the budget for a computer monitor as well, so I used my 32" TV instead. But that is a bad idea. That TV is literally having its way with my eye sockets.

So I finally decided to buy an actual computer monitor instead. The only problem is that my TV has a nice feature that switches the aspect ratio between 16:9 and 4:3, which is a very nice feature if you play old games too, as I do.

So I was wondering if there were a monitor somebody knows about here that has this feature, or some third-part software, or maybe the GPU drivers (I have a 7970) that can squish the screeen sideways to 4:3 (with black bars on either side, obviously).

If the solution is going to be a specific monitor, keep in mind that I've been looking at something in this price range (< $200)

and with a 24" size and 1920x1080 / 1920x1200 resolution.


Usually the program, if run in fullscreen, will scale itself appropriately.

I think a monitor with an IPS display will be better in the long run.  Better colors and viewing angles.

21.5in, though.