Scientists Reverse Time with Chloroform and Acetone


They’re talking about each atom as an individual system, but as they’re interacting with other atoms, shouldn’t the entire molecule be considered the system, or even all of the molecules in the solution? Also, is it still a closed system if they’re manipulating it?

I would argue that time would only be “reversed” if there was a gain in energy in the entire system. The change in energy between the individual atoms in the system could potentially be explained by the interactions of the electrons with the atomic nuclei in the molecule - Chlorine being more electronegative than hydrogen, the waveform was biased towards that side of the molecule, allowing the magnetic field to have more of an effect on the hydrogen nuclei.

I’m going to stop pretending what I’m talking about now. I’m probably massively oversimplifying it.


Interesting experiment, but the article doesn’t go into the details, it’s very much speculation.
It’s like pushing a spring down claiming they reversed the energy, but as predicted it jumped right back up, and that the movement was as predicted.

my first thought was, “it’s because they accidentally inhaled the fumes”


In this case, I don’t think it’s about the net energy, it’s about the direction the energy is going.

Yeah, me too.

Is anyone savvy enough to read through the actual paper?


Just gave that a read and did a bit of wikipediaing. Ignore everything I said before haha

Can’t find any information on whether spin direction has any affect on the polarity of bonds, but if it did, couldn’t changing the spin direction to be in line with the bond’s axis cause a change in the Van Der Waals forces, and cause the observed reversal in temperature?

I’m 100% just spouting unfounded bull right now.


Thanks for the paper, I’ll give it a read after the party

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What a load of rubbish, the whole premise is flawed and too prove it they perverted quantum mechanics. To put it in “normie” terms; its a bit like saying a peltier plate reverses time.

Anyway, just my opinion, I’ll take a look at it in greater detail when I have nothing to do.

The peltier effect requires added energy and is thus not an isolated system. This is not comparable to what the scientist did at all.

A Watched Clock Will Never Boil

Unless its really a boiling clock,
Where the time vanishes into thin air,
Producing maximum entropy production!
In a humble and ubiquitous phase transition,
While, curiously, the smaller anything becomes,
The more often it will violate the arrow of time.
Boiling clocks running backwards more often,
Convince invisible pixies, time is but a joke,
Anyone may have all the spacytime they want,
All any requires, is invisible pixies with attitude!
All that anyone, has ever required to go home again,
All anyone has ever required, to find themselves again!
Time speeding up yet slows down just in the nick of time,
Where does all the time go, approaching the speed of light?
Yet, the shadow remains, but the memory of the eternal light!
The invisible light in the dark pointing out the end of the tunnel!
Where the smallest pond, sheds invaluable light on the Big Picture,
Where the tiniest molehill,
becomes a mountain of bullshit overnight,
Only to come crashing down,
or vanish inexplicably in the light of day,
Where Murphy’s Law and a Goldilocks Principle,
rule the entire universe,
Where Einstein’s theory of Relativity,
is always entirely context dependent,
Time is simply never what you think it is,
until that time rolls round once again,
Time always comes round yet again.
and instant karma always gonna getcha baby!
Time is the fire within which we burn,
and the ice within which our minds go numb!
“Fascinating” said Mr Spock on Star Trek,
"Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations,"
But I fail to see what could possibly be so funny,
about humor being intrinsic to spaceytime.

Physicists have manipulated time in just about every way imaginable, but the clearest experiment yet involved a micron sized Styrofoam bead suspended above a heat bath, or heat sink of liquid by optical tweezers. The experiment indicated that the smaller anything becomes, the more likely it is to move backwards in time and defy entropy. However, it is a very localized effect that cannot be used to influence anything else.

While all of this appears impossible to metaphysically oriented westerners, all the evidence suggests quantum mechanics are metaphorical, rather than metaphysical, and the other half of the world and primitive tribes have always insisted time is not merely a machine, but something more organic. The illusion that it is a machine simply falls apart in extremes, as first demonstrated by the theory of Relativity which includes the Simultaneity Paradox, where two observers separated by a vast distance can argue forever whether the chicken or the egg came first.

Yin-yang push-pull dynamics are incorporated into all the leading theories, implying it is possible to manipulate time in a variety of different ways if you know the metaphoric logic, or systems logic, that can treat its own logic as just another variable, with no intrinsic meaning or value. Rather than obeying causality, such a systems logic would be context dependent, making it useful roughly half the time.

Last 2 previous posts: A lot of pseudoscientific babbling. ^^


The Abstract gave me a headache, I like the pictures however :slight_smile:

Time reversal is pseudo-scientific babbling by definition, so is all of quantum mechanics, but they remain demonstrable, proving that science only makes progress by admitting its mistakes. I’ve had little old ladies mock me for suggesting the time dilation of Relativity is real, but their TV set could not work without accounting for the phenomenon.

How are these compatible?

What little old ladies were you discussing time dilation with?

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Good science has references, is testable. [citation needed] :stuck_out_tongue:

Tell us more about GPS Error analysis, Lorentz Transformation, the Sagnac effect and real time clock drift compensation.

In short, I’ll stop poking when others stop making unsubstantiated statements. :wink:


I have no clue who the women were, just two women I stumbled across. Nothing new in a country where one in five people insists the sun revolves around the earth, and voting for whoever advertises the most is your patriotic duty.

Both quantum mechanics and time reversal are demonstrable in experiments accepted by the greater physics community, yet neither one makes a lick of sense.

References man. You have to give references. Time reversal is most definitely not accepted by physicists.

Speak for yourself. They may very well make sense to the scientists working with them every day.

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Why do I have to give references if time reversal and quantum mechanics are pseudo-scientific nonsense? Do you think I should find those little old ladies and give them references to Relativistic physics? I think if they really want to learn about the subject they can use Google.

Not to the ladies, to us. You’ve been posting a lot of pseudoscientific claims without any backup whatsoever.

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