Sci-Fi wireless neckband voiceless phone call demo



a friend forwarded this interesting video of a bizarre "communication" device demo by Ambient corporation at a Texas Instruments dev conference back in 2008, if u r interested to know a little more but not much u can go to this website ( this video was posted by the New Scientist Youtube channel dated 2008.

i would like to see the Tek Syndicate community's reaction to this, if its not already been discussed

P.S. can any 1 form the Tek tell me if i can get a reply or acknowledgement to mi previous e-mail i had sent a few weeks back to [email protected]

Well, I don't think [email protected] exists, it was/is [email protected].  That said, I don't believe they use it anymore since questions meant for inbox videos are supposed to be posted here.  If you need to get a hold of them, you can try the contact link on their profiles, or use the contact form here:

As for the voiceless com device, it's interesting in terms of privacy, covert communications or for people with disabilities... but it seems a bit inconvenient in terms of normal everyday use.  It's laggy and you have to wear a neck band.  Plus if you want to take advantage of the silent feature, you still have to basically enunciate the words, just silently...  which would probably get old quick and looks kind of ridiculous.  But who knows I guess.

I want to try to get one of those voice amplifiers for people with a stoma, remove the speaker and hook it up directly to a cellphone. No delay, no software, and a million times creepier sounding.

thank WhiskeyRanger i'll make sure that i've sent the e-mail to the right address 

. . . as for this device the 1st thing that came to me was that it seems way beyond something that i could imagine existing compared to the mainstream tech that most of us are aware of . . . also i think the lagginess in the device is just a matter of it being a prototype device, i suppose that's a solvable problem . . . but lets see if it ever reaches stage of practical use . . . or may be its already been used in "covert" operations lol who knows