School Network Password

I installed Ubuntu on my school computer, (next to windows 7). Since I do not have admin rights in Windows 7, I cant get acess to the Internet Password. Is there any way i could go about getting this?


legal or illegal methods?

Whatever works. 

when you say password, do you mean wireless pass?


if you can run exe's on the windows computer, download wireless key viewer by nirsoft. it will give you a hash. it will work in place of the password.

that may get you expelled

Sorry cant run exe's. I can only run programs on the ubuntu side, but my mom works here and she can run exe's, but i dont want to do anything illegal on her computer

Pobably not, i live in Norway and it seems that the rules for expelling (how ever that written as a verb) are nicer, there hasnt been a single expelled studenet here in over 3 years, and last yeaar one of my friend hacked the admin password and installed a bunch of stuff on others computers, (its part of the admins right that they can remotely install things on others computers)

arp poison the network. the logins to accounts will be too hard to crack, but im sure the users use the same passwords online. so just sniff http password fields. also, run ssl strip.

um... also, if your school uses an internal mail server, see if you can telnet into it and send an email. make the from field a valid teacher email, and send an email to your helpdesk saying you forgot your password.

keep sniffing them interwebs and capture the reply. email is plaintext.

he was bragging about it on the radio on saturday (breached the conditions and what chances he had of getting work with the security company).. makes me feel uneasy

But this is differnet, i just want to be able to connetct to the internet... you know go on YouTUbe and such

If that is the case, you can probably just set up a proxy and get on youtube. No reason to get any passwords.

Well he kinda needs the network to even use a proxy in the first place.

And for that he would need the network password.

What kind of password is it is asking you for? any specifics?

As it is a school its most probablly asking for you to log in to the domain/Active directory services. From within the ubuntu gui shall need to join the windows domain via the command "sudo domainjoin-cli join DOMAIN_NAME USER" (where DOMAIN_NAME is well...the domain name and USER is your user account) it should then prompt you for that user names password. Then you should be able to enjoy the network as if you were on a windows machine.

If you prefer a gui open terminal and just type "domainjoin-gui" which should then bring up a GUI to do the same operation.

If this does not work I have no idea without any more specific details.

- zanginator

The best way to go about getting the password is to ask the network administrator. Trust me, it really is the easiest and safest method.