Scheduling YouTube video downloads

Hello everyone.


I have a problem. Ofc it`s a problem with my ISP. Since I live outside the city I have to use shitty services that only give me 12GB worth of up/down data PER MONTH. After using all that data they are throttling me to 120kbps(yes it`s bits not bytes) and internet becomes impossible to use until the new month arrives.

BUT there`s a catch. If I download files from 00:00 to 8:00 in the morning then those downloads don`t go into my monthly data cap of 12GB, so it`s possible to download entire games on steam at night and still have data left for daily use. But I noticed that I started to watch a lot of YouTube videos lately and they suck data like hell. Last month I used all 12GB in five days and had no chance to watch any TekSyndicate videos after that :(&nbsp;</p><p>So my question would sound like this - &nbsp;is there a way to schedule YouTube video downloads ? I want to add them during the day and leave my PC at night to automatically download videos after midnight and watch them later so that I won`t be using my daytime data limit. Maybe there`s even a way to do this using Android because I usually watch videos via my phone and I`m not a fan of leaving my PC over night but I do it when I have no other chance.. 

Appreciate all the help and all the answers.

You are being raped by your ISP and you really need to sort that out. What they're charging should be illegal even if it's a dollar a month it's still a rip off. If you can't sort it out then get a new isp because the tek in 1080p is gonna use quarter of your damn cap in just 40 minutes!

Well I pay around 20 USD for what I get, the speed is about 1MBs, so I never even saw Tek in 1080p, it`s just enough for 720p.. They offer bigger data plans, but the biggest still has 120GB cap and the price for it is 60USD and I`m just not willing to pay that much at the time, because it takes me three days to earn that money, and I`m investing it in other projects.</p><p>There is one other option, to pay around 18 USD, get 15GB/month with throttling to 512kbps, but the service is so bad that max speed is around 512kbps anyways so it`s not an option :D There is no reasonable way to get cable, because I`m not willing to pay around 10k USD to get 3km(around 2 miles) of copper(yeah that`s a real price they asked for to install a line with 1MBs at my place :D ).. At least the internet in cities here is pretty awesome, my friend pays around 5 USD/month for unlimited 50Mbs down/25Mbps up, but I chose a different living place :D

Man, those r speeds and prices like from 10 years ago. You should really kick your ISP. Could you perhaps setup a wifi connection with someone living close to you who has unlimited data plan with speeds 50/25 as you mentioned and share the bill with him?

The speeds of 50/25Mb are only in the cities. The closest city from where I live is 10 miles away. Where I live there`s only my house and that`s all. The closest neighbor is 3km(almost 2 miles) away and he only has a 1MBs copper connection and as I mentioned it would cost me around 10k USD to get it here :D I didn`t mentioned but I`m using a service from a mobile ISP via 3G that`s why data plans suck so hard and changing them is not an option for now. I need a scheduler if it`s possible.

Get smPlayer. It has a YouTube saver.

I have the same problem and have to get up early to do my downloads, before my ISP kicks me into the sloooow lane or worse.