Sapphire vs Asus... R9 280x

Should I get the SAPPHIRE VAPOR-X 100363VX-2SR Radeon R9 280X or the ASUS R9280X-DC2T-3GD5.  The slight clock speed for me does not matter.  I am going to underclock to 1ghz clock so I can keep my 2 PCs as close to each other since my 7970 wont go any farther and I am hoping to under volt and see what I can get.  According to Anadtech the Sapphire is cooler and quieter.  I have no experience with Sapphire so I am wondering what you guys think.





Vapor-X, vapor chamber cooling is the best

Go for the sapphire. i had that exact model of the 280x and all it did was artifact and there was no fix. And many others have the same problem.


i don't think the artifacts in games are because the hardware... i only buy asus products because i never had hardware fails.

you should buy the one with the lower price... or the more VRAM :)

Well Asus actually released a driver just to fix the artifacting on the 280x. You can find it on the download page for the card. People say it fixed pretty much all the artfacting.