Sapphire Vega64 Nitro+ Vs Asus ROG Strix

So I’m pretty drunk and am gettign confused.
As mentioned in the title I want to choose between these 2.
Sapphire Nitro mentions Freesync 2, Asys does not. Just regular freesync.
Does it matter on the GPU side or is Freesync 2 all on the monitor side?

I’ve realised the GPU i’m looking at isn’t the LTD edition Sapphire, just regular and there’s a lower core clock so I would rather get that higher clock no? lol and Asus provides that higher clock, not a lot…but
I’ve only found 1 website that mentions HDR with the ROG…

So yeh is it monitor locked and any freesync GPU can display HDR?


Not sure if this helps, but PCB shots of both:


Edit: I like the option to connect 4-pin case fans to the cards. Both allow for 2. IMO, Sapphire has layed out the connectors for that better than Asus.

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Yeh the top one is the limited edition version with 3x power, normal version is just 2.
Another reason I wanted to switch was because this website I’m ordering from only has Corsair ram and I want to get those CL14, other website with more ram options doesn’t have the sapphire gpu.

Anyway cheers for the input dude :slight_smile:

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