Sapphire Dual-X R9 270 Overclock Help

As the title suggests I am curious about overclocking my new Sapphire Dual-X R9 270!


I have never overclocked before and was wondering how I could go about doing this. Currently I have the Sapphire Trixx software to use because that's what a friend recommended to me but I figured I would go to you lovely people because to be honest I trust your opinions more haha.

Trixx will work fine, you could also try MSI Afterburner and see if you like that better.

Well the real question is what do I do? I have no idea what to do with the sliders in Trixx. I don't want to hurt anything. 

Easiest way would be to find a good YouTube 270 overclocking tutorial.

Maby this helps:

Start bumping up the core clok, and test with Unigine.