So I was looking at gpus to buy soon and the Sapphire is on sale for 209 bucks thats pretty cheap its the OC edition although I was really wanting a xfx or a gigabyte 7870 is there anything wrong with the sapphire that I should know about? I noticed it didnt have as many reviews on neweggs as other 7870 products is there a reason for this ? Really what im asking is should i buy the sapphire 7870 or go with my original plan for the xfx or gigabyte?
No, nothings wrong with sapphire, actually i have one of their products and i really like it, and i know alot more people do.
personally, id go for sapphire over XFX or GIGABYTE.
Oh Cool man Will do 209 bucks is a hell of a deal!
Yeah, Sapphire is what I would go with. Plus they look cooler than than the XFX and Gigabyte cards.