Today I noticed the balance on my speakers was totally off. I’m seeing the issue both on my desktop using the TAPE input and turntable using the PHONO input, so that seems to rule out it being a problem with the source or input. I moved the speakers between channels A and B and the balance is still off. I switched the left speaker and the right speaker at the receiver, and the balance switched, indicating that it is not a problem with the speakers. (If I use the reverse button, the side that is quiet does not change). Curious if anyone is knowledgeable about repairing stereo receivers, or knows about this model of receiver.
Here is a picture for reference, tweaking the balance dial makes it sound OK (The dial is set at the 1/4 position).
Hey, a Sansui owner!
Have you changed the caps on the amp? Could be a factor, had the same issue on my Onkyo a few weeks ago.
I haven’t opened it. I’ll take a look at what’s going on inside it.
I have worked with a fair bit of sansui stuff. My neighbor had a few different sansui amps including a 2000a. I serviced these things all the time for him.
Sansui is actually really good stuff and is worth a pretty penny if it is in good working condition. So doing a restoration is actually a pretty worth while endeavor.
First thing you are probably want to do is open it and do a visual inspection. Look for any capacitors that are rounded or domed at the top. Look for any resistors that are burnt (kinda browned or blackened).
Next you are gonna want to get a product called deoxit which is a special cleaner for the various knobs on the receiver. This alone might actually fix the issue and make the amp sound a lot better.
That is at least a good starting point.
I’ll see if I can pickup some deoxit somewhere, and take a look. Currently my turntable is sitting on top of it, so I’ll have to move that before I can open it up.