Samsung SSD Question?

So, i came across an SSD my friend is offering to sell me for $80. Except the only info i have or can find on it is that its out of a lenovo laptop. the model number for it is Samsung MZ-7TD2560/0L9 256GB SSD. Is it worth the price?

It's not a bad price but I would recommend passing and paying $20 more for not only a new drive, but a physically more up to date drive. That's like Samsung 830 series, so it's 2 generations behind on nad quality and controller quality. I prefer new drives when it comes to ssd's because nad flash, especially older nad flash, doesn't have a ton of write cycles compared to the newest generations of nad flash and mechanical hard drives.

The production date on the picture he sent me of the SSD was april 26 2014. would that make any real difference of the quality it was made with?

It appears to be an mSATA SSD, do you have an mSATA port that support storage and not just a wifi module?
LINK to an eBay posting.
I definitely would recommend you buy a new one LINK the 850 EVO comes with a 5 year warranty for just $20 more.

The picture he sent me doesnt look like an Msata one. here is the pic

Well it was made in april, which is good in terms of nad quality, although its still the original revision of the part so its using the old 2 generations+ old controller.

Whoops, linked the wrong one here it is. LINK
It appears to be very similar to an 840 EVO, which did have the deteriorating nand with long term storage of data. Mine was never affected.
I would ask him for a benchmark on it. Probably best if Crystal Disk Mark is used LINK

And also a readout of S.M.A.R.T results. You can check that with Open Hardware Monitor or a similar program.

Here is a benchmark of mine for comparison.

alrighty ill have him do that. what else should i look for besides that?

also how is this SSD since my local best buy has it onsale for $50

Is it the 128GB sku or the 256GB sku, if its the 256GB version that is a really good deal!
for 128GB still not bad but I would definitely recommend a 256GB.

i think the 256gb is not much more if i remember right.

Has anyone used this one? I did not see quite the same reference: " Samsung 850 EVO 500GB 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-75E500B/AM) " But if you have what are your opinions on this drive? I think I might get it for my first SSD. I would appreciate your input!
I do not contribute much as I have not seen anything that I have good info on so far but this is a great site to be part of!
Thanks for any help the community can give on this decision !

so no one recomends the 500g drive

I would reccomend the 850 EVO, slapped it in my friends MacBook. Works great.

any testing by chance?

or should I say how long has it been good :)

Unfortunately I don't have the test proofs anymore. Keep in the mind the 850 is the newest line of Samsung drives, and they are wonderful (I have an 850 pro). His mac-book went from booting in 35+ seconds (dying toshiba 5400 rpm drive) to now booting in under 10 seconds. He was so happy he practically threw money at me

if it's your first ssd it's worth the price. for myself I'm waiting for ssd and mechanical price parity