Samsung’s plan for revenge Sue Apple if it dares release an LTE iPhone

I hope they do just so they can loose some money. So much sueing going on god money is really stupid. There going to spend so much on cort cost there just going to break even lol.

Apple sure ain't making friends here recently, I tell you what.

I don't hate Apple and I don't want them to come to ruin, but they are out of line with their patent-related lawsuits. Maybe the Google suit or this potential one will poke them hard enough that they'll lay off. I doubt we'll see them affirm Jobs' quote about stealing great ideas, but making them shut up would be a nice enough consolation prize for me.

isint there a ek video where logan or someone said steve jobs told them before he died that dont stop sueing till spent a billion in cort cost ?

Do two wrongs make a right? It's not hard to tell a lot of people here don't care about ethics or proper justice, they just want to see one company or another burn. Samsung's plan probably won't work that well anyway. Companies as big as Apple don't have just one variation of their flapship product they work on, they have backup plans as well. If they can't release a LTE iPhone they'll just release an iPhone without LTE but still something different. For example, when the iPad 3 came out it was actually supposed to have some sort of new screen technology in it but the people who were developing the technology (Sharp? Toshiba?) didn't have it ready in time, so Apple just released their "Plan B".

I think both companies are right and wrong. They both have valid points and have both made some mistakes.

I guess well see very soon

I think HTC should sue them if they make a 4G (non LTE) iphone. Weren't HTC the first company to have a 4G smartphone, the EVO 4G? Apple started this shit and I think the only way to get them to start thinking sensible would be to mess with their money.


In my opinion, this is retribution for the injustice that was done during the first Apple V. Samsung lawsuit. Apple clearly won because of assinine jurrers, who can't tell the difference between their left and right had, yet have the audacisty to rule in favour of a rectanuglar shape patent. What Samsung is doing is extremely smart; they're going to force Apple into a corner; release the iPhone with LTE, and lose in court, and have your product banned from most, if not all first world countries; or don't, and lose a massive chunk of their customer base. Apple is completely fucked at this point; and they're only real option is to release the iPhone with LTE (At this point it's the only thing they have to bring to the table), and pray to god that the injunction fails, or that they can make their nut in second, and third world countries, which is highly unlikely.

On top of this, if Samsung loses once again, due to incompetant, and completely moronic jurrers, they'll completely cut off Apple of all their products. You may say, "Well, they can get it elsewhere!" Not when Apple is just going to turn around a sue you over a rectangular shape. It's completely foolish of them to do so, and they've dug themselves into a hole, the likes of which reaches to the core of the earth.

What surprises me is that nobody has gone after Sharp, who manufacture the iPhone screens.


I for one would like to see the tec industry (including those who manufacture for apple who make alot of demands on them) to all cut ties with apple and sue them. Apple is the big mean kid asking for a broken nose, so I think it's only fair if it isn't allowed any friends or assistance.

Does sharp make all retna displays?

Also I think the reason all the companies that manufacture for apple aren't sueing them is because apple is already making the other companies a lot of money. They may be better off in the long run by not starting shit with apple.


From what I remember, Samsung helped produce the Retina displays, which honestly the same sounds retarded.

Samsung not providing parts for Apple would be worse for Samsung than it would for Apple. Samsung would lose insane amounts of revenue if they cut off Apple.

Samsung can take that blow and still stand strong. They've got too much money to know what to do with it.

Why is everyone really thinking that Samsung is really hurt by this court ruling? At the end of the day Samsung already been established before apple came to electronic scene...I'm talking about a 40 year gap here.

It's a billion dollars, I don't give a fuck who you are if you get sued for a billion dollars your going to be hurt; especially if you got sued over some bullshit like rectangles.

Sounds good, They do deserve it.

One billion dollars is certainly a lot of currency, but I doubt it'll be upheld.


That said, this court case [i]is[/i] being held in the US... ;)

What? Patenting a rectangle and sueing other companies over this? Stupid but Sony have a similar patent, don´t they? Their rectangle, circle, triangle and x are also copyright protected, aren´t they? Nobody in here is complaining about this, which is kind of strange.

Don´t get me wrong. I as well think that Apple deserve this but it´s not the only company with utterly stupid patents.

I think the important part is that Apple sued with it and demanded 1billion dollar for the stupid idea!
(round edge for $1bil is more absurd than maybe specifically going triangle,square,x,o thing where most of time not a coincidence)