Samsung Abusing Factory Workers, Using Child Labour

Samsung may find themselves in another lawsuit from Apple, infringing on their patent for bullying factory workers. They've come under fire from a New York based labour rights group known as China Labor Watch.

After the groups investigation of six Samsung factories and two Samsung supplier factories they have accused Samsung of knowingly employing children. In China it is illegal to hire anyone under the age of 16. Along with that they have also accused them of failing to provide workers with protective clothing. They were not allowed to sit during their shifts and many workers were working over 100 hours a month of overtime and only receiving one day off. They have also documented instances of physical and verbal abuse.

To top it off, Sumsung failed to provide any means for which workers could file complaints.



Oh Samsung. You were doing so well, now you've gone and mucked it all up.

I struggle to see how it is illegal to hire someone younger than 16. Isn't it for everyone's good if kids learn to work, instead of getting superspoiled by their parents, getting everything they point at, and ending up working on walmart at 20 because they had so crappy work experience.

Unless they are being forced to work for no money, I see no wrong in this. sorry


EDIT: Ok I never read a whole post before I replies. If they were abused in different ways, not getting days off, then its not okay. my bad

Personally I think it's okay for kids as young as 13 to have jobs, as long as their work load and expectations are within reason. But the law is the law, Samsung can't just break it because they feel like it. On a side note, a kid doesn't necessarily need a real job to learn that hard work is expected of them. Parents can teach them that by paying them to do chores around the house, yard work, washing dishes, etc.

I have the attitude of working hard and putting in a lot of effort because growing up from when I was 7 my mom would send me to my grandfathers to cut and stack cords of wood and he would pay me some money for it. I still do it to this day but now I do it for free since he's retired.

apple does it too, does do two wrongs make a right, nope

If I recall math class correctly then yes, a negative plus a negative doesn't make a positive. :p But seriously though, it really is a widespread problem. It makes me wonder how many other factories throughout Asia this type of treatment is actually happening at because bad things are always happening more than is reported.

Paying your kids to do your essential home jobs is as stupid as the idea of paying your kids to do work for you. Your kids shouldn't need/have to be paid to help you out. It's ridiculous.

I mean, it's stupid. That's gonna do nothing but spoil them more.

How does teaching them that work = reward, spoil them? Spoiling them would be buying them things or giving them money for no reason at all, or simply because they ask for it. Rewarding them for their work gives them incentive to keep doing it. Would you work for an employer who pays you $0.00? If you're not giving them money for doing work, then where are they going to get money to spend on toys and other small things when they are not old enough to have a real job? Are you going to tell me kids don't need toys?

If they're multiplied they do; so tehnically, if it was worded differently, it would make a positive.