So basically I'm trying to justify the extra thirty dollars for the 850 just for an apparent 70MB/s on the write. How much would I even notice this change. I'm doubting since I've had very little use of SSDs I wouldn't even notice. Can anyone convince me to fork out the extra 30.
Anyways, you probably wouldn't notice much of a difference for speed in sequential write. However, you will notice a huge difference in random read and write speeds, that 650 has horrible IOPS on both. I mean it's a complete joke how bad those IOPS are.
EDIT: Anyways, it looks like the 850 is probably the best bang for the buck on that list. I'd personally shoot for the 250 GB variant so there's space to play with, but it is more expensive obviously.
I have an 850pro its great but remember that read and write speed is the maximum possible, so it depends what kind of data and how frequently you will be writing to the drive is all a factor of whether you will notice the performance.
For example I also have a 850pro drive for some of my achieve media and I rarely write to it so all that performance is kinda wasted, worth thinking about...
I feel your pain (albeit not as much) for pricing of tech gear man haha I'm in Aus, my 500gb 850 evo was $279 compared to your $309!! Ridiculous!
I will say however, coming from only having used mech drives, the SSD had godlike boot times and loading times for games (Witcher 3 and other open world games benefit the most by far).
Do you plan on doing any editing or resource intensive stuff on the SSD or is it for general use??
Literally anything SSD will blow away a typical 5400/7200 rpm mechanical drive on speed. It mostly depends on the use you have for more space. I have a laptop with 3x1TB SSD but that's not typical :) - plus it has to be blistering fast as I run various VM images.
Alot of editors love having an SSD for scrubbing through footage and what not, makes the process alot faster from what I hear. If you don't plan on editing or anything, you should be right with whatevs!
But with the games and OS, do consider @anon59440203 suggestion with going with the 250gb if it's in your budget. I honestly think the 650 should suffice with what you plan to use it for BUT the 850 is a solid choice. Dat price tag tho!