so i just got the fx 8350 and im getting the exact frames i was getting with my fx 4100(when i was being bottlenecked).
can anyone tell me why?
so i just got the fx 8350 and im getting the exact frames i was getting with my fx 4100(when i was being bottlenecked).
can anyone tell me why?
what gpu do you have?
yea, it seems like your bottlenecked by your gpu.
are the same frame because of Vsync? what fps are you getting?
i have a and im getting about 40fps and iv tried with and without vsync and they are basicly the same (also im trying to get into streaming me and my friends play sessions so i need all the frames i can get)
is it just one game? have you tried updating your drivers?
yeah my drivers are uptodate and its jusr afew but with that said ive only played the 2 games i play.(arma3 and dayz)
you deffanetly not bottlenecked by youre GPU thats for sure.
but its wiered indeed. i saw a movie somebody did a Fx6100 Vs i7 3770k and also did get the same frame rates in BF3. its still wiered.
you must getmuch better fps then that. on most games , with that cpu and gpu combo.. can the monitor maybe be a bottleneck ?
yeah on high on crysis 3 im getting about 80-112 most matches its just the ones i play the most are getting crappy frames andi as for the monitor being bottlenecked i dont think so but i dont know how to tell if it is or not
wenn you get good fps on other games, then the monitor will not be a bottleneck i readed a storry about the diffrences in HZ from a monitor, but thats not the case up here.
are there maybe any updates for those games you play? cause it seems to me that it must be something with the game it self then..
did you try to disable anti aliasing?
yeah everything with dayz is opimized to get the best frames i can i think im just being bottlenecked alittle and ocing will fix it all
I don't know about Arma 3 because I haven't played it yet but the Arma 2 settings needs to be tweeked a lot. You can't just crank everything up to Very High and call it good. If you have more than 512MB of VRAM you want to set it to "Default" not "Very High" and then you want to change the config file. You'll have to google this because I can't remember all the tweeks but there's quite a few guides on how to do it.
the fx-8350 has 4 modules so if you go to task manager and set the affinity to every second core then there will be one thread per module.From the best of my knowledge this will give you better cpu performance however i do not own the chip so i do not know for certain.
hope this helps :)
i get in Arma3 on 1680x1050 settings on very high ultra vsync disabled anti aliasing disabled. arround 35 fps somethimes it get up to 40, but mostly stucks arround 35 fps.
so looks like a heavy game.
Try to reinstall arma and dayz my friend had the problem and it fixed it he has a 560ti and gets over 70fps at 1080p high settings. At one point he oc'd his gpu and it made the problem worse.
Dayz is a unoptimised beta noone can get decent frame rates in that